compensation therefor, and said trustees, as a com-
pensation for all their services under this trust, shall
be entitled to receive a corn mission, to be agreed
upon between them and said company, but, not ex-
ceeding two per cent. on all moneys received by
them from said Canton Company under the pro-
visions of the foregoing second section, and said
charges, expenses and commissions, shall be deducted
by said trustees out of any moneys which may come
into their hands under any of the provisions of
this trust.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
maintaining the succession of said trustees, when-
ever and as often as a vacancy or vacancies shall
occur in the number of said trustees, by death,
resignation or disability to perform the duties of the
trust, the trustee or trustees existing at the time of
the occurrence of such vacancy or vacancies, shall be
authorized, and are hereby charged with the duty to
appoint, by deed duly executed, acknowledged ami:
recorded, a suitable and proper person or persons
to fill such vacancy or vacancies, and every person
who may be thus appointed, from time to time, to fill
a vacancy as aforesaid shall be and is hereby invest-
ed with the same estate, rights and powers, and is
made subject to the same duties as an original trustee
by this Act appointed.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take; effect from the date of its acceptance by the stock-holders of the Canton Company, in general meeting
Approved March. 14, 1872.
Duty to ap-
In force.