arising from the sales of any such material, shall be
used in the construction of the said new Jail.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said County:
'Commissioners are thereby authorized and empowered
to have the said Jail, when completed, and all other
buildings belonging to said county, insured, in such
sum or sums as they may deem necessary, in some
well known, reliable fire insurance company or com-
panies, and shall provide annually for the payment:
of such premiums as may be charged upon such pol-:
icies of insurance as aforesaid.
SEC. 11. And he it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 14, 1872.
Payment of
In force.
AN ACT to create an additional Election District
in Carrol 1 county, to be styled the twelfth Election
District of Carroll county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all that portion of the county now
included within the second, tenth and eleventh Elec-
tion Districts of Carroll county, lying within the
following hounds, is hereby created a separate and
distinct Election District, to be styled the twelfth
Election District of Carroll county, to wit:
Beginning at Sam's Greek, the boundary line be-
tween Carroll and Frederick counties, and at the
point in said Sam's Creek where the tail race from
McKinstry's mills empties therein, and running
thence by a straight line to intersect the middle of
the public road from McKinstry's mills to Linwood,
and at a point in said public road opposite the store-
house now occupied by D. F. Albaugh and Brother;
thence by and with the centre of said public road to
the bridge over Little Pipe Creek near Linwood, be-
ing a corner of Election District number two; thence
New election