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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2672   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 8. And he it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners shall annually levy upon the assess-
able property of Allegany county a special tax, suffi-
cient to pay the Interest on said bonds, and to retire
five thousand dollars of the principal annually, and
that the money thus raised shall be known and kept
as the court house and jail fund, and shall be applied
by said County Commissioners to the payment of the
principal and interest of said bonds as aforesaid, and
to no other purpose whatever, and that said tax shall
be collected as all other State and county taxes are
collected in Allegany county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That if said County
Commissioners shall not be able to sell the aforesaid
bonds, to raise the necessary funds for the purpose
aforesaid, as promptly as the same may be required,
then the said County Commissioners are hereby
authorized and empowered to borrow so much
money, as may be necessary for the purpose afore-
said, on such terms as they may deem right and
proper, and to refund the money, thus borrowed, and
interest, out of the proceeds of the aforesaid bonds
when sold.
SEC. 5. And be It enacted. That the said County
Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to build a new jail for Allegany
county, upon a site to be by them selected, such site
to be purchased and paid for out of the funds herein
provided, in case the same is not upon the property
now owned by said county, and to use good judg-
ment and sound discretion in procuring and adopt-
ing a suitable and proper plan for said jail, having
a due regard for the objects and purposes for which
the said building is required, for the use of said
county, and that the sum of money to be used in the
erection of said jail, and in enlarging, improving and
repairing the Court House, the Clerk's office and
Register's office in said county, shall not exceed the
sum of seventy-five thousand dollars.
SEC. 6. And be It enacted, That the said County
Commissioners may contract with any responsible
person or persons for the building of said Jail, and

Levy special
Build jail-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2672   View pdf image (33K)
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