A Supplement to an Act passed at the present session
of the General Assembly of Maryland, entitled
" an Act to authorize the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore to issue and lend to the Western
Maryland Railroad Company, the stock of the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, to the
amount of one million of dollars, redeemable on
the first day of January, nineteen hundred and
two, and bearing interest at the rate of six per
centum per annum, from the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to aid in the
construction of tire railroad of said company.
WHEREAS, at the present session of the General
Assembly of Maryland, an Act was passed entitled
'" an Act to authorize the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore to issue and lend to the Western Mary-
land Railroad Company, the stock of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, to the amount of one
million dollars, redeemable on the first day of Jan-
uary, nineteen hundred and two, and bearing interest
at the rate of six per centum per annum, from the
first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-
two, to aid in the construction of the railroad of said
company, ami whereas, the said Act of Assembly
was intended to authorize the issue of the said stock
as provided for by an ordinance of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, approved January the
seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and
entitled " an ordinance to amend an ordinance, en-
titled an ordinance to authorize the endorsement or
guarantee, by the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, of the mortgage bonds of the Western Mary-
land Railroad Company, and to provide a sinking
fund in connection therewith," approved January
the twenty-first, eighteen hundred and severity, and
for greater certainty, it is deemed better to declare
and provide that the said Act of Assembly shall have
the same effect, as though it had, in specific terms,
referred to the said ordinance.