How shares
shall be voted
Shares not to
be voted
necessary to
Value of
To certify.
Rights and
such dividend and consenting thereto, shall be liable
in their individual capacities to the corporation for
the amount or proportion of said capital stock so
divided by the Directors, and each Director who shall
1) e present at the making or declaring of such divi-
dend, shall be deemed to have consented thereto, un-
less he shall immediately enter Ills dissent in writing
on the minutes of the proceedings of the board, and
give public notice to the stockholders that such divi-
dend has been declared.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That at any general or
special meeting of said corporation, every stock-
holder shall be entitled to one vote for every full
paid share, (or the equivalent thereof in value,) which
lie, she or it may hold, to the number of not exceeding
five shares, and to one vote for every additional five
full paid shares, to the number of not exceeding one
hundred shares, and to one vote for every additional
ton full paid shares thereafter, but no share of stock
shall entitle any holder to a vote which shall not
have been hold-en four calendar months previous to
the day of election; and stockholders actually resi-
dent within the United States, and none other, may
vote at elections by proxy. A majority of all the
votes cast shall be required to elect any officer.
Sue. 9. And be it enacted, That the capital of the
said Old Town Bank of Baltimore shall be five
hundred thousand dollars, including the capital stock
of said corporation taken and subscribed for under
the Act to which this is amendatory, and the amend-
ment thereto, which shall be divided into shares of
the par value of ten dollars each, and as soon as one
hundred thousand dollars shall have been paid up,
in lawful money of the United States, and so certi-
fied, by a majority of the Directors of said corpora-
tion, to the Treasurer and Comptroller of the State
of Maryland, then the said corporation shall be en-
titled to all the rights, powers and privileges, and
be subject to all the duties, restrictions, limitations
and conditions (not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act) that are contained in an Act entitled an
" Act to create State Banking Institutions," and ena-
ble the several Banks of the State (State and National)