Volume 190, Page 1909 View pdf image (33K) |
1872.] OF THE SENATE. 303- Also, The petition of Daniel Holland and other colored citizens of Maryland, asking for the establishment of separate schools where their children may be educated by teachers of their own color. Which was read and referred to the Committee on Edu- cation. Also, The petition of Rev. W. E. Dickinson and thirty-three others, asking the same. Which was read and referred to the Committee on Edu- cation. Mr. Jump presented the petition of G. M. Hollans, pray- ing a pension. Which was read and referred to the Committee on Pen- sions. On motion by Mr. Tuck, Leave was granted to the Committee on Pensions to report a bill entitled an Act to place Eliza White, widow of James R. White, a soldier in the war of 1812, on the pension rolls. On motion by Mr. Fields, Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed- ings to introduce a bill to be entitled an Act to amend Arti- cle LI, of the Code of Public General Laws, in relation to Justices of the Peace, by adding thereto the following sec- tions. Also, Leave was granted to Messrs. Fields, Compton and Henry to introduce a bill to be entitled an Act supplementary to an Act for the establishment of a school in Caroline county, passed at November Session, in the year 1798, chapter 33. The messages from the House of Delegates, which were delivered yesterday, were then taken up, and referred as follows: The House bill, entitled an Act to repeal an Act passed at the January Session, 1867, chapter 98, entitled an Act to prevent the selling and peddling of carriages, hacks and wa- gons in Washington county, not manufactured in the State- of Maryland. Was read and referred to the Committee on Judicial Proceedings. |
Volume 190, Page 1909 View pdf image (33K) |
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