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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 1473   View pdf image (33K)
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Leave to report bill authorizing the Commis-
sioners for, to divide the Election Districts in,
into Election Precincts, &c., 139; read first time,
286; second, 440; third and passed, 601; returned
passed, 851.
Petition to House, excepted from provisions of
mortgage law, 200.
Leave for bill to incorporate a company to con-
struct a bridge across Severn River, at Annapolis,
in,, 302; read first time, 425; second, 613; third
and passed, 757; returned from Senate passed,
Petition against building bridge over South
River, 473, 871.
Petition for law authorizing Commissioners for.
to build bridge over South River, &c., 538.
Senate bill entitled an Act to build a bridge
over South River in, read first time, 573; reported
favorably, amended and read second time, 992;
third and passed, 1213.
Petition praying passage of a law in relation to
shooting wild fowl in waters of, 540.
Leave for bill authorizing Commissioners for,
to appropriate a sum of money to capital stock of
the Annapolis and South Severn Bridge Company,
566; read first time, 591.
Leave for bill authorizing Governor to appoint
an additional Justice of the Peace for the Eighth
Election District in, 588; read first time, 740;
second, 943.
Bill to authorize Commissioners for, to appro-
priate a sum of money to the capital stock of the
Annapolis and North Severn Bridge Company,
read first time, 591; second, 620; third and
passed, 833; returned from Senate passed, 1262.
Senate bill to amend section 6, Act 1870, ch.
192, relating to public roads in, and to repeal Act
1868, ch. 299, &c., read first time, 623; second,
818; third and passed, 1412.
Joint Resolution authorizing Governor to em-
ploy counsel to defend Registers and Judges of
Election in, indicted for alleged violations of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 1473   View pdf image (33K)
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