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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 1472   View pdf image (33K)
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Leave for bill to prohibit the issuing of licen-
ses for the sale of spirituous liquors within cor-
porate limits of Frostburg, in, 9851; read first
time, 1062.
ALMSHOUSE—Leave for bill to amend Act 1870, author-
izing Commissioners for Harford county, to sell
a part of, &c., 202; read first time, 308; second,
440; third and passed, 464; returned from Senate,
ANNAPOLIS—Leave to introduce bill to add a section to
Article 2, Code Public Local Laws of Anne Arun-
del county, sub-title, to prevent the carrying of
concealed weapons in, 124; read first time, 232;
second, 251; third and passed, 383; returned from
Senate passed, 443; sent to Governor, 470.
See "Post-Office," "Naval Depot" and "Na-
tional Cemetery."
ANNAPOLIS GAS COMPANY—The Comptroller to fur-
nish the House with statement of amounts paid by
him to (he, on account of gas furnished the State,
&c., 655; report, 694, 695.
to amend charter of, by authorizing said company
to extend its road to the harbor of the City of
Annapolis, &c., read first time, 1265; second,
1338; third and passed, 1448.
PANY—See Anne Arundel county.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY—Leave granted to the dele-
gation, to introduce a bill authorizing and re-
quiring the Tax Commissioners of, to subscribe
to the capital stock of the Baltimore and Drum
Point Railroad, 20; read first time, 358.
Leave to introduce bill to repeal Act of 1870,
1 ch. 427, to prevent increase of gates on public
roads in, and Prince George's county, &c., 93;
read first time, 330; second, 440; third and passed,
651; returned passed, 851.
Leave to introduce bill to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 2, of Code of Public Local Laws,
sub-title, "Annapolis," to prevent the carrying
of weapons, &c., 124; read first time, 232; second,
251; third and. passed, 383; returned from Senate
passed, 443; sent to Governor, 470.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 1472   View pdf image (33K)
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