Volume 188, Page 878 View pdf image (33K) |
878 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Mar. 19, Which was decided in the negative. The question then recurring upon the adoption of the It was rejected. Mr. Bowlus submitted the following amendment: Section 1, line 4, strike out the word "fifteen', and insert the Mr. Merrick moved the previous question. The question then being "shall the previous question be now It was decided in the affirmative. The question then recurring upon the adoption of the It was rejected. The question then recurring upon the adoption of the amend- It was rejected. The Secretary of the Senate returned the bill entitled an Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays with proposed amend- AMENDMENT PROPOSED. Amend the title by inserting after the words, "eighteen The proposed Senate amendment to title was adopted. The House proceeded to the consideration of bills entitled The bill entitled an Act to repeal so much of section 12, Was read a third time, |
Volume 188, Page 878 View pdf image (33K) |
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