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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 876   View pdf image (33K)
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Endorsed, " Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Carroll county, to indemnify William Shaw for the
destruction of his property in the City of Westminster, by a
mob, in April, 1865, and to levy a sum of money for the pay-
ment of such indemnity,

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to authorize the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to fund the floating debt of the city to
an amount not exceeding eight hundred thousand dollars,

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to change the name and style of
the Trustees of the Central School in Frederick county, and to
repeal the Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Trustees of
the Central School, in Frederick county, and re-enact the
same with amendments,

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

Mr. Markland, Chairman of the Select Committee on Wild
Fowl, to whom was referred the bill entitled an Act to add
additional sections to Article 98, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, relating to Wild Fowl, reported back
the same with proposed amendments.


Section 16, line 4, strike out the word "Talbot." In line
6 of same section, after the word ".river," insert the fol-
lowing: included within the bounds of said counties.

Which were read, and

On motion of Mr. Hardcastle, of Talbot,

The bill, with proposed amendments, was recommitted t»
the Committee on Wild Fowl.

The House then resumed the consideration of the unfin-
ished business of yesterday evening's session, being the bill
entitled an Act to amend the Act of 1861, chapter 265, en-
titled an Act to incorporate the Consolidation Coal Company,

Said bill being upon a second reading,

The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Percy,

Mr. Standish moved that the bill be referred to the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary,

The question recurring upon the adoption of the motion ,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 876   View pdf image (33K)
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