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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 874   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Hardcastle, of Caroline, Chairman of a Select Com-
mittee, reported favorably,

A bill entitled an Act supplementary to an Act entitled
an Act to incorporate the Maryland and Delaware Railroad
Company, passed January session, 1854, chapter 274.

Which was read a first time.

Mr. Harrington, Chairman of a Select Committee, re-
ported favorably,

The Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 82 and

84, of Article 10, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title "Collectors," relating to the
redemption of real estate sold for taxes and the mode of re-
covering possession thereof, without amendments.

Mr. Turner, Chairman of a Select Committee, reported

A bill entitled an Act to prohibit the issuing of any license
for the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors within one
mile of Holly Grove, in the county of Baltimore, Maryland,

and to prevent the sale of all kinds of intoxicating drinks
within the above described limits.

Which was read a first time.

The Secretary of the Senate delivered the following bill:

The bill entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act
to incorporate Companies to make several turnpike roads
through Baltimore county, and to authorize the laying down
and equipment of a railway on the Baltimore and Reisters-
town Turnpike Road, between Baltimore city, and Pikes-
ville, and the collection of tolls thereon.

Which was read a first time and referred to the Baltimore
county delegation.

The Secretary of the Senate returned the following bills:

The bill entitled an Act to provide for the payment of
monies expended in repairing a bridge near Monkton, in
Baltimore county,

Endorsed "Read a third time and the enacting clause
stricken out."

The bill entitled an Act to amend the Public General
Laws, passed January session, 1865, chapter 31, so as to ex-
empt Wicomico and Dorchester counties from the effect of
the second section thereof, so far as relates to the publication
of the Local Laws,

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to authorize and require the
County Commissioners of Baltimore county, to levy a sum of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 874   View pdf image (33K)
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