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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 870   View pdf image (33K)
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Which was read a first time and referred to the Dorchester


The bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 82 and 84 of
Article 10, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester
County," sub-title "Collectors" relating to the redemption of
real estate sold for taxes and the mode of recovering possession

Which was read a first time and referred to the Dorchester


The bill entitled an Act to prevent stationary or permanent
weirs or hedges being placed in the western branch of the
Fatuxent river and the eastern branch of the Potomac and its

Which was read a first time and referred to the Prince
George's delegation.

The Secretary of the Senate returned the following bills,
severally endorsed " passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act for the better protection of Fur,
in Dorchebter and Wicomico counties.

The bill entitled an Act to establish voting precincts in
the seventh election district of Baltimore county.

The bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 93 to 95, inclu-
sive, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, for
Charles county, sub-title, "Roads,"and to repeal chapter
452, of Acts passed January session, 1868, entitled an Act to
repeal sections 96 to 109, inclusive, of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, for Charles county, under the head
of roads, and to enact the following in lieu thereof, and to
provide a road system for St. Mary's county.

The bill entitled an Act to repeal section 69, of Article 1,
of Public Local Laws, entitled, "Allegany County," sub-
title, "Fences," and to re-enact the same with amendments.

The bill entitled an additional supplement to an Act en-
titled an Act to incorporate the Roman Catholic congregation
in Baltimore town, passed November session, 1795, chapter
15, to enable the said corporation to purchase a new burial

The bill entitled an Act to incorporate the town of Man-
chester, in Carroll county.

The bill entitled an Act to protect Fish in the waters of
Hill creek and Principio creek, in Cecil county.

The bill entitled an Act to incorporate the New York and
George's Creek Coal Company.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 870   View pdf image (33K)
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