WEDNESDAY, March 9, 1870.
The House met and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Henderson.
Present at the call of the roll, the following members :
Messrs. Latrobe, (Speaker,) Loker, Beck, Wilrner, Kil-
bourn, Baldwin, of Anne Arundel, Wells, Duke, Mitchell,
Chapman, Cameron, Shipley, Gatch, Choate, Turner,
Hardcastle, of Talbot, Brattan, Lankford, Harrington,
Woolford, Touchstone, Owens, Biddle, Marbury, Woot-
ton, Thomas, of Queen Anne's, Brown, Dennis, Purnell;
Thomas, of Frederick, Bowlus, McCreery, Ritter, Baldwin,
of Harford, Streett, Hopkins, Hardcastle, of Caroline, Garey,
Sanner, Hamilton, Morse, Blake, Webb, Wilson, of Balti-
more city, Wiley, McLane, Colton, Kirk, Collins, Ehlen,
Gardner, Markland, Marshall, Hoblitzell, Murdock, Sword,
Seibert, Veitch, Watkins, Kean, Wilson, of Alleganv, Stan-
dish, Percy, Shower, Jordan, Winters, Crouse, Merrick,
Gorman, Gordy—70.
The following bills having passed both branches of the
General Assembly, were this day submitted to his Excel-
lency, the Governor, for his approval :
An Act to repeal section 282, of Article 93, of the sup-
plement to the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Tes-
tamentary Law," and re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act to provide for the appointment of an addi-
tional Justice of the Peace for election district No. 4, in
Harford county.
An Act to add new sections to Article 51, of the Code of
Public General Laws, entitled "Justices of the Peace," as
amended by the Act of 1868, chapter 443.
An Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purchase of
a lot of ground in which to inter the remains of the Confed-
erate soldiers who died, at Point Lookout, in St. Mary's
county, whilst prisoners of war during the late civil strife,
and enclose and ornament the same.
An Act to incorporate the Real Estate and Savings' Bank
of Baltimore.
An Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Wico-
mico county to appoint three Trustees for the Almshonse of
said county.
Mr. Standish presented