Which was read and referred to the Committee on Pen-
The petition of Major R. Merrill and 20 other citizens, for
an additional Constable in Coston's district, in Worcester
Which was read and referred to the Committee on the Ju-
Mr. Duvall presented the petition of Geo. P. Tiffany and
86 tax-payers and legal voters residing in the town of Laurel,
Prince George's county, praying not to incorporate said town,
as it is deemed inexpedient to incorporate a part of the town.
Which was read and referred to the Prince George's dele-
Mr. McCreery presented the petition of citizens of Frede-
rick, protesting against the passage of a law authorizing the
Mayor, Aldermen, &c., of said city, to issue $100,000 of
bonds for the purpose of widening Carroll Creek in said city.
Which was read and referred to the Frederick delegation.
Mr. Baldwin, of Anne Arundel, presented the following
memorial of Jno. Thomson Mason in regard to public county
To the General Assembly of Maryland:
Although your petitioner alone signs this memorial, he
feels warranted in asserting that if time and means were
afforded, it would be united in by many, if not by a majority
of the tax-payers of Maryland, and to avoid the imputation
of assumption, he will add, that he has been urged by a large
number of respectable and intelligent citizens to bring this
subject of the public roads before the Legislature in this
Your memorialist respectfully represents that there is noth-
ing more promotive of public wealth and local comfort and
convenience, than good public county roads. They invite
emigration by making rural life both remunerative and
agreeable, enhance the value of real property wherever they
exist, and promote friendship and local intercourse.
The systems of public roads now in force in the several
counties of this State, although involving the people in heavy
taxation, are universally recognised as lamentable failures,
wholly ineffectual to accomplish the objects desired.
Your petitioner would therefore respectfully pray that all
the existing road laws, and all taxes now imposed to support
them be repealed, and that instead thereof the system now in
force in the cities and towns, in this State, for the paving of
streets and sidewalks be adopted, viz : That the respective