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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 419   View pdf image (33K)
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re-affirming said Act, and authorizing said Company to re-
ceive real estate, stocks, bonds and other property in payment
for subscriptions to the capital stock, and to make payments
for material and labor in the capital stock, creating the office
of the Vice-President, and providing for his election, decreas-
ing the number of Directors in said Company to five, and
amending the second section of said Act, so that the capital
may be increased by any amount not exceeding two millions
of dollars, in place of, for any amount not exceeding said

An Act to repeal section 138, of Article 6, title "Caroline
county," sub-title "Justices of the Peace and Constables,"
and to re-enact the following sections in lieu thereof.

An Act to change the name of the Mutual Coal Company,
of Allegany county, to that of the Maryland Coal Company,
and to confirm a decree of the Circuit Court of Allegany
county changing said name.

An Act for the better protection, of Partridges and Pheas-
ants in Harford county.

An Act to authorize, empower and require Wm. Stewart,
Administrator and Trustee, to sell the real estate of Isaac
Stewart, late of Somerset county, deceased, under a decree
of the Orphans 'Court for Somerset county, to pay over the
balance in his hands as Administrator and Trustee aforesaid,
after satisfying all just debts of the said Isaac Stewart, in-
cluding costs of administration and Trustee's commission, to
Ann Stewart.

An Act to repeal section 79, of Article 6, title "Caroline
county," sub-title "Elections," of the Code of Public Local
Laws, and to enact the following section in lieu thereof.

An Act to authorize the Governor to appoint an additional
Justice of the Peace for election district No. 1, in Worcester
county ; also, one additional Justice of the Peace for election
district No. 8.

An Act to repeal section 60, of Article 9, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, entitled "Charles County," sub-title
"Justices of the Peace and Constables," and to enact the
following in lieu thereof.

Mr. Hammond presented the following petitions :

The petition of citizens of Talbot county, asking for a
change in the law providing for the payment, of jurors.

Which was read and referred to the Committee on the Ju-



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 419   View pdf image (33K)
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