No. 16. An act to repeal section three of chapter two hun-
dred and forty-six, passed at the January session, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled "An act to aid
in the establishment of a Hospital in connection with
the Washington University of Baltimore, and to appro-
priate money for the same," and to re-enact the same
to read as follows.................................................
No. 17- An act to repeal sections twelve and fifteen cf an
act passed January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-
seven, chapter two hundred and ninety-eight, entitled
an act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Line Railroad
Company, and to re-enact the same with amendments..
No. 18. An act to amend an act passed at the January
session, eighteen hu-ndred and sixty-eight, chapter one
hundred and sixty-one, entitled "An act to incorporate
the Frederick and Emmittsburg Railroad Company,"
extending said road, and the time for the commence-
ment and completion of the same.............................
No. 19. An act to amend the act passed at the January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter four
hundred and thirty-one, entitled "An act to incorpo-
rate the Frederick and Williamsport Railroad Com-
No. 20. An act to repeal section two of chapter one hun-
dred, passed at the session of the General Assembly,
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act to
incorporate the trustees of the Baptist Church at Jones'
Mills, in Dorchester county," and re-enact the said sec-
No. 21. An act to appropriate a sum of money to furnish
the Governor's mansion, and appoint a committee to
superintend and control the disbursement of the same,
No. 22. An act granting the assent of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland to a bequest of a legacy made in the
last will and testament of Josias Ramsay, late of Cecil
county, deceased, to the trustees of the Methodist Pro-
testant Church at New Leeds, in Cecil county............
NO. 23. An act to incorporate the convention of the Pro-
testant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Easton......