Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That they may from
time to time make such by-laws, ordinances and
regulations, relative to the management, govern-
ment, instruction, discipline, employment and dis-
position of the minors in the House of Reformation
and Instruction, not contrary to law, as they may
deem proper, and may appoint such officers, agents,
and servants, as they may deem necessary to trans-
act the business of the said corporation, and may
designate their duties.
Make report.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That they shall make
a report to the General Assembly at each regular
session thereof, of the number of minors received
by them into the House of Reformation and In-
struction, the disposition which shall be made of
Bind out.
such minors, by instructing or employing them
therein, or by binding them out as apprentices;
the receipts and expenditures of said Managers,
and generally, all such facts and particulars as
may tend to exhibit the effects, whether beneficial
or otherwise, of the said association.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer
before he shall enter upon the duties of his office,
shall give bond in the penal sum of five thousand
dollars for the faithful discharge of the duties of
his office.
Sec. 12. And le it enacted, That the Board of
Managers shall provide a suitable building in any
part of the State of Maryland and establish such
regulations respecting the religious and moral
education, training, employment, discipline, and
safe-keeping of its inhabitants, as may be deemed
expedient and proper.
Free of tax.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the ground, and
the buildings which may be erected thereon, for
said House of Reformation and Instruction shall
he free of tax.
Not to pass
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That no public streets,
lanes, alleys, roads, railroads or canals of any kind,
shall be opened through the lands, or any part of
the lands, of the House of Reformation and In-
struction where the same are exclusively used or
appropriated for the purposes of its incorporation,
except with the consent of the Board of Managers.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Managers shall have power, in their discretion, to