this State, having criminal jurisdiction, shall be
sentenced to the Penitentiary for a term not ex-
ceeding five years, and not less than one year.
Sec. 31. And be it enacted, That the State's
portion of all fines and forfeitures accruing under
this Article, shall be paid by the Sheriff or other
officer collecting the same, in ten days, to the
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county or the Clerk
of the Court Common Pleas of the City of Balti-
more, where such fine or forfeiture may accrue;
and such Clerk shall account for the same to the
Comptroller of the Treasury in his quarterly
Size of num-
Sec. 32. And be it enacted, That the Comptrol-
ler of the Treasury is hereby required to have
painted in black figures, on white canvass, two sets
of the numbers corresponding to the licenses to
take oysters with scoops, scrapes, drag, dredge, or
any similar instrument, each figure of which shall
be twenty-two inches in heighth, and of proportion-
ate width, and he shall give to each person taking
out such license, two numbers thereof, one of
which the captain of the vessel shall sew upon the
starboard side, and in the middle of that part of
his mainsail which is above the close reef, and the
other number upon the port side, and in the mid-
dle of that part of the jib, which is above the bon-
net and reef, these numbers shall be sewed on the
side of the sails in an upright and proper position,
securely attached to the sails, and worn at all times
during the dredging season, and shall not be con-
Not to injure.
cealed, defaced or injured, and no other number but
the proper one shall be exposed to view on a li-
censed vessel, nor shall any number, other than
that which is furnished by the Comptroller, be used;
any captain of a licensed vessel who shall violate
the provisions of this section, in whole or in part,
shall, upon conviction thereof before any Justice
of the Peace or a Judge of a Circuit Court for this
State, most convenient or accessible, pay a fine of
not less than one hundred nor more than two hun-
dred dollars; and in case the captain shall be
found to be an irresponsible party, then the vessel
shall be liable for the payment of the fine and