taking and catching be from lands previously
located and appropriated, or for the purpose of
preserving, depositing, and bedding the same,
under the provisions of this Act.
Name and
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That each and every
license to take or catch Oysters for sale, with rakes
or tongs, shall state the name and residence of the
person to whom the same is to he granted, the
number, together with the length, (to be obtained
by top or overall measurement,) of the canoe or
other boat to be licensed, the county in which the
same is to be used and the period at which said
license will expire, and every applicant for such
license shall pay to the Clerk of the Court, where
such license may be granted and before the issuing
and delivery of the same, according to the follow-
ing rates, viz : for any canoe or boat measuring in
length twenty feet or less, the sum of four dol-
lars; measuring from twenty to twenty-five feet,
the sum of six dollars; measuring from twenty-
five feet to thirty feet, the sum of eight dollars;
and all over thirty feet in length, including sloops
under Custom House tonnage, the sum of ten
dollars each.
Custom House
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That every applicant
for license to use or employ any canoe or boat
under Custom House tonnage, in taking or catch-
'ing Oysters with rakes or tongs, shall be re-
quired to make oath or affirmation before the
Clerk authorized to issue the same, or some Jus-
tice of the Peace, upon whose certificate of the
taking of such oath or affirmation the Clerk shall
issue said license, that the facts set forth in said
license are strictly true; that he has been a bona
fide resident of this State for the twelve months
next preceding his application for said license;
that he desires and intends to use said canoe or
boat only in the county in which his application is
made, and that he will comply with and obey all
provisions of the laws of this State regulating the
taking or catching of Oysters; and every person
to whom such license shall have been granted
Paint number.
shall paint the number of his canoe or other boat
on the outside thereof near the gunwale, in black
figures, not less than three inches in length and
of proportionate width, in a white ground, and no