ever called upon to do so by any officer of the
State of Maryland, or other person authorized to
demand the same.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That any person who
shall violate any of the provisions of the preced-
ing sections shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof by any Judge
of a Circuit Court or Justice of the Peace, be-
fore whom such case may be tried, shall be fined
not less than fifty, nor more than five hundred
dollars, or forfeit the boat or vessel in possession
of the party so offending, together with the papers,
furniture and tackle on board of said boat or ves-
sel at the time of her seizure, in the discretion of
such Judge or Justice of the Peace; but nothing
in this Article shall be construed to prohibit mas-
Forfeit for vio-
ters or owners of boats or vessels from other States
from buying or purchasing Oysters within this
State from any person or persons authorized by
law to sell the same.
Purchase Oys-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That any resident of
this State owning or having in his possession any
canoe or other boat under Custom House tonnage,
and desiring to use the said canoe or boat in taking
or catching Oysters for sale, with rakes or tongs,
in any of the waters of this State, shall first ob-
tain, by application to the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for the county wherein he may desire or
intend to use the said canoe or boat in taking or
catching Oysters for sale, with rakes or tongs, a
license therefor, and such license shall have effect
from the first day of June in the year in_ which it
may have been obtained, to the first day of June
next succeeding; Provided, that such license shall
Rakes or
not authorize the use of said canoe or boat in tak-
ing or catching Oysters in 'any creek, river, cove,
inlet, bay or sound within the limits of any coun-
ty, other than that wherein the license shall have
been granted, and that the boundaries of the
counties bordering upon navigable waters shall be
strictly construed, so as not to permit the residents
of either county to take or catch Oysters beyond
the middle of the dividing channel; nor authorize
Canoe or boat.
the taking or catching of Oysters in the Patuxent
river, between the twentieth day of April and the
tenth day of October of each year, except the
Time of catch-