AN ACT to incorporate the town of Upper Marl-
borough, in Prince George's County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the citizens of the town of
Upper Marlborough, in Prince George's County,
be and they are hereby created a body corporate by
the name of the "Commissioners of Upper Marl-
borough," and by that name may have perpetual
succession, may sue and be sued, and may have
and use a common seal.
Time of elec-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the citizens of
Upper Marlborough shall, on the first Thursday
in April next, and every three years thereafter, on
the same day, elect three Commissioners to serve
for three years from the date of their election and
until their successors are elected and qualified,
who shall have the management of the town, and
shall have full power to pass and enact all such
laws and ordinances as they may deem wise,
equitable and expedient for the comfort, health,
convenience and prosperity of said town and its
inhabitants; to impose and appropriate fines, pen-
alties and forfeitures for the breach of any of their
by-laws or ordinances, to lay and levy taxes upon
all kinds of property, for the purpose of carrying
into effect the powers herein conferred; provided,
Tax not to
that the said taxes shall not exceed fifty cents on
every one hundred dollars' wortli of taxable prop-
erty in any one year, which tax shall be collected
by a person appointed by said Commissioners.
Tax on dogs.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners are authorized to levy such a tax on dogs
as in their judgment may seem proper, and are
May kill.
hereby empowered to direct the officer appointed
to preserve the peace of said town to kill any dog
for which no owner can be found, and also any
dog whose owner has failed, for thirty days
after personal notice of the tax due, to pay the