with all the proceedings had in relation thereto, to
the Circuit Court of the judicial circuit where said
lands are situate, or where said lands are situate
in [in] the city of Baltimore, to the Circuit Court
of said city. The Court to which such report shall
be made shall examine the said proceedings, and
if the same appear to be regular, and the provi-
sions of law in relation thereto have been complied
with, shall order notice to be given by advertise-
ment published insuch newspapers as the Court shall
direct, warning all persons interested in the property
sold to be and appear, by acertain day in the said no-
tice to be named, to show cause, if any they have,
why said sale should not be ratified and confirmed,
and if no cause, or an insufficient cause, be shown
against the said ratification, the said sale shall, by
the order and decree of the said Court, be ratified
and confirmed, and the purchaser shall have a
Publish notice
good title; but if good cause, in the judgment of
the said Court, be shown in the premises, the said
sale shall be set aside, in which case the said Col-
lector may proceed to a new sale of the property.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 187J.
In force.
AN ACT to Incorporate the Town of Sudlersville,
in Queen Anne's County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the town Sudlersville, in Queen
Anne's County, is hereby incorporated, and the
inhabitants thereof are a body politic by the name
and style of "the Commissioners of Sudlersville,"
and as such may sue and be sued, and may have
and use a common seal and may alter the same at
Name and
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That all persons who
have resided within the corporate limits of said
town for six months and who are entitled to vote
for Delegates to the General Assembly shall in
Legal voters.