pledged or mortgaged; and they shall also have
the power to convert said bonds, certificates, or
other evidences of debt so issued, into capital stock
of said company, upon such terms as may be agreed
on between the holder or holders of said bonds,
certificates, or other evidences of debt; and said
President and Directors, and they are hereby au-
thorized and empowered to contract with any cor-
poration or corporations having the necessary
capacity, joint stock company or companies, indi-
vidual or individuals, to construct said addition to
their said railroad, from Berlin to the Bay shore
or beach aforesaid, wharves, or other improvements
deemed by them necessary for the accommodation
of their business, in, on, and about said addition,
and to mortgage or pledge the aforesaid addition,
May contract.
its property, profits, revenues and earnings for the
same, free and clear of all other liens whatever,
for any of the present debts of said company.
5. And be if, enacted, That the President and
Directors of the aforesaid Railroad Company, or a
majority of them, shall have full power and au-
Pledge profits.
thority to connect said railroad with any
other railroad now existing, or which may
hereafter be constructed, within the counties
of Worcester or Wicomico, or touching their
borders, and to make such contracts and ar-
rangements with any other railroad, express,
freight, or steamboat company or companies, and
Connect with
other roads.
with the owners of any steamboat or sailing vessel,
for the through transportation of passengers or
freight, as may be agreed upon by the respective
companies or their agents, or the individual own-
ers of steamboats or sailing vessels or their agents,
and not inconsistent with the privileges of the
Wicomico and Pocomoke Railroad Company, or
the constitution and laws of Maryland.
5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this Act
shall be construed so as to authorize said company
to issue any certificate, note, scrip, or other evi-
dence of debt or device, to be used as currency.
Not to issue.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
be in force from its passage, and the General
In force.
Assembly reserves to itself the right to alter,
amend or repeal the same at pleasure.
Approved April 4, 1870.