Issue bonds
for city hall.
Baltimore he and it is hereby authorized to issue
the bonds of the said Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore to an amount not exceeding the sum of
one million of dollars, in addition to the one mil-
lion of dollars which it was authorized to issue
by the Act of Assembly of eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight, Chapter three hundred and ninety-
one, the proceeds of the sales of said bonds hereby
authorized to be issued, to be used in the construc-
tion of the new City Hall, now being erected in
said city of Baltimore; which bonds so to be
issued, together with interest thereon, shall be
made payable at such times as shall be determined
by the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
which is further hereby authorized to make such
provision for the ultimate redemption of the prin-
cipal of said bonds, and for the payment of the in-
terest thereon, as to it shall seem best.
Approval of
legal voters.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That before any of the
bonds mentioned in the preceding section of this
Act shall be issued, the ordinance of the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore authorizing the
same shall have been submitted to and approved
by the legal voters of the said city, in accordance
with the provisions of the seventh section of Ar-
ticle eleven of the Constitution of Maryland.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all Acts or parts
of Acts of Assembly inconsistent herewith, and
especially the Act of eighteen hundred and sixty-
six, Chapter one, entitled "An Act authorizing
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to build
a new City Hall," be and the same are hereby re-
In force.
Bee, 3, And be it enacted, This Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.