said oil, which shall he declared confiscated, one-
half to the informer and the remainder to the
May recover
for violation.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That any purchaser
of oils or fluids made of Petroleum or its products,
for illuminating purposes, bearing stamp or certi-
ficate, as provided in section two of this Act, and
which does not stand the fire test provided in sec-
tion one of this Act, may recover from the seller
in an action for debt an amount equal to the pur-
chase money of said oil.
If not up to
test, may be
Bee. 5. Be it enacted, That any accident by
reason of explosion occurring when the oil or fluid
aforesaid used does not reach the test provided for
in this Act, shall subject the manufacturer or other
party proved to have adulterated said oil, if resi-
dents of this State, or seller thereof, if manufac-
tured out of the State, to he prosecuted for a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof in a Court
of competent jurisdiction, to fine or imprisonment,
or both, at the discretion of the Court; and any
Reduced —
one adulterating oils so as to reduce them below
the standard provided in this Act, and selling the
same for illuminating purposes, or who shall know-
ingly use for illuminating purposes oils under tests
as hereinbefore provided, shall be subject to the
same penalties provided in sections three, four and
five thereof for manufacturers and sellers.
Oils confis-
cated — How
Sec. 6. Be it enacted, That any oils confiscated
in Baltimore City, as provided for in this bill, shall
be tested by or in presence of the fire inspector of
Baltimore, appointed by the insurance companies
of said city, and he shall decide the test of such
Approved April 4, 1870.