from decisions on matters of law, made by the
Courts of Baltimore city, in relation to the streets
in said city, shall stand for hearing at the first
term after the transmission of the record;provided,
that from every final judgment or order granting
or refusing a peremptory mandamus in any case
hereafter brought, involving the title or right to a
public office, either party shall have a right to ap-
peal within twenty-days, and on such appeal the
clerk of the Court shall forthwith transmit the
original papers, including the judgment or order,
to the Court of Appeals, and said Court shall im-
mediately hear and determine the case.
Stand for
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take [effect] from and after the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1870.
In force.
AN ACT to amend the Act of eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, Chapter one hundred and thirty-
eight, relating to Election Districts in Charles
County, by adding an additional section to said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Section forty, Article nine, of
Public Local Laws, title, Charles County, as
amended by the Act of eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, Chapter one hundred and thirty-eight, be
and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto
the following section, to he numbered as sub-sec-
tion, viz:
8. The County Commissioners of Charles County
shall have power, upon petition of any voter or
voters of said county interested in a change of the
division lines between the several Election Dis-
tricts of the county, as laid off under this Act, to
correct and change said lines, when in their dis-
cretion such correction and change will contribute
to public convenience; provided, three weeks pre-
vious notice of such petition shall have been given
Change Divi-
sion lines on