O'Donnell street, with the western line of Balti-
more County, to repair or re-supply the scales, and
adapt them to the weighing of live stock, as well
as hay and straw, and to provide such yards for
live stock as may be necessary," passed at January
Session, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, Chap-
ter two hundred and forty-one, be and the same is
hereby repealed and amended and re-enacted, so
as to read as follows :
Repealed and
7. And be it enacted, That the said Inspector of
Hay and Straw shall execute a bond to the State
in addition to the bond now provided by law to be
given by said Inspector, to be approved by the
Comptroller in the penal sum of one thousand dol-
lars, conditioned for the full performance of all
acts and things required by him as weigher of live
stock at said scales, and to pay all damages that
may be sustained by reason of wilful omission, re-
fusal or neglect to discharge said duties, which
bond shall be .filed with the Comptroller of the
Treasury ;hut said Inspector or Weigher of Hay
and Straw for the said Eastern Hay Scales, at Can-
ton, in the city of Baltimore, shall not be charge-
Inspector to
able with the payment of a tax of fifty dollars for
his commission, as required by the Act passed at
December Session, eighteen hundred and sixty-
two, Chapter two hundred and eighty-two, Section
one, but shall be chargeable with and pay to the
clerk from whom he received his commission, the
sum of ten dollars and no more; and all Acts or
parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of
this section be and the same are hereby repealed.
Approved April 4, 1870.
Exempt from