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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2914   View pdf image (33K)
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contracts, and to purchase, lease, hold, use and
possess such lands, tenements and hereditaments,
goods and chattels, as may be necessary for carry-
ing on the manufacture of, for procuring or collect-
ing gas or inflammable air, and preserving, using
and distributing the same, as the means of light-
ing the public and private houses, streets, squares,
alleys and other places in the town of Snow Hill
and its precincts, or for carrying on any manufac-
ture necessary for converting the useful purposes
the products of any substance which may be em-
ployed in making or procuring gas, and for dis-
posing of the same, and such other purposes as
may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes
of this Act; provided, the said Company shall not


possess or hold at any one time real and personal
estate together above the value of one hundred
thousand dollars, without the consent of the Legis-

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the nine persons
first above named or a majority of them, may

Capital limit'd

cause books to be opened at such time and places
as they may direct, giving public notice thereof
for at least twenty days in some newspaper printed
and published in Worcester County, for the pur-

Open books.

pose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock
of the said Company, which shall be divided into
shares of twenty-five dollars each, and be limited
to eight thousand shares; and the corporation of
the town of Snow Hill are hereby authorized to
subscribe for said stock, as they may deem proper,
not to exceed ten thousand dollars.

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That so soon as four
hundred shares of the capital stock shall be sub-
scribed, as aforesaid, the said nine persons or a


majority of them shall call a general meeting of
the stockholders at such time and place as they
may appoint, by giving at least twenty days notice
in some newspapers in Worcester County; and at
such meeting the stockholders shall elect a Presi-
dent and six Directors by ballot, to manage the
affairs of the Company, each stockholder at every
election and at every voting shall be entitled to
have one vote for every share of stock owned by

General meet-



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2914   View pdf image (33K)
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