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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2912   View pdf image (33K)
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duty of the Trustees to report to the Governor, on
the first day of January in each and every year,
of the condition and management of the Ceme-


tery, which report shall contain a detailed state-
ment of the receipts and expenditures of the Cor-
poration, and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to
the Governor of each State represented in the Cor-
poration. The expenses incident to the removal of
the dead, inclosing and ornamenting the Ceme-
tery, and all the work connected therewith and its
further maintainance, shall be apportioned among
the States connecting themselves with the Cor-
poration according to the number of dead they
may have upon the aforementioned battle-fields.

Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the Board of

Detailed state-

Trustees shall adopt such by-laws, rules and regu-
lations as they may deem necessary for their gov-
ernment, and for the government of their officers
and agents and employees, such by-laws, rules and
regulations to be consistent with this Act of In-
corporation and the laws. If any State Legisla-
ture fail or refuse to make an appropriation, and


the same shall he made to the amount of one
thousand dollars ($1,000), by any association, or
by individuals, nothing in this Act shall be so
construed as to prevent such association or indi-
viduals from being represented by a Trustee in the
Board; hut no State, except Maryland, shall have
more than one Trustee.

Sec. 8. Be it enacted, That the Corporation shall

Other appro-

have power to receive appropriations from the
United States, from State Legislatures, associations
and individuals, and also devises, bequests, gifts,
annuities, and all other kinds of property, real
and personal, for the purpose of the burial of the
dead, enclosing and ornamenting the grounds and
maintaining the same, and erecting a monument
or monuments therein.

Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the grounds and

may receive.

property of said Cemetery shall be forever free
from the levy of any State, County or Municipal
tax, and the State of Maryland hereby releases
and exempts the Corporation created by this Act

Free from tax

from the payment of any tax whatever that might
be imposed by existing laws; all the laws of this
State now in force, or which may hereafter be




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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2912   View pdf image (33K)
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