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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2904   View pdf image (33K)
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tion of all such other officers as they shall deem
best and if any vacancy shall occur for any reason
in the office of President and Directors during
his current year of office, the President and

of officers.

Directors may appoint a person to fill the vacancy
for the residue of the term; and the said Presi-
dent and Directors shall hold their office until the
election and qualification of their successors; and
all elections to be made on a particular day may
he held at any time after that fixed for the same
by giving ten days notice of the time and place for
holding the same, by the said President and Di-
rectors, in the papers aforesaid.

Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the President

Term of office.

and each Director of the Company before he acts
as such shall swear, or affirm, as the case may be,
that he will well and truly discharge the duties of
his said office to the best of his skill and judgment
and with honesty and fairness.

Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That a general meet-


ing of the stockholders of the said Company shall
be held annually at the time and place appointed
for the election of Directors of the Company and
that the same may be called at any time by the
President and Directors, or by the stockholders
holding, at least, one-fourth of the whole stock

General meet-

subscribed upon giving at least twenty days notice
by publication in a newspaper published in Carroll
County and a newspaper published in Frederick
County of the time, place and object of the same
and of the parties calling the same, and if at any
such called meeting, a majority in value of the
stockholders are not present in person, or proxy

Give notice.

the meeting may be adjourned from day to day
without transacting any business not exceeding
three days and if within such time, stockholders,
having a majority in value, do not attend the
meeting, such meeting shall be ipso facto dissolved,
but if a majority in value of the stockholders shall
attend a meeting duly convened a majority of those
present may remove any President, Director, or

May adjourn.

Directors, and enter upon a new election, and if the
judges of election constituted by the President and
Directors shall not attend, or should decline to act,
the stockholders so present, or a majority may ap-
point three judges from the stockholders and the

New election.



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2904   View pdf image (33K)
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