the order of I. S. McCartney, of Hagerstown,
Washington County, the sum of twenty-five dol-
lars, paid erroneously into the Treasury of the
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 19, 1870.
In force.
AN ACT entitled " An Act supplemental to an
Act to authorize and require the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County to convey a lot
of ground to the Board of School Commission-
ers of Baltimore County, to be used for a Public
School house site," passed eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, Chapter three hundred and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the County Commissioners of
Baltimore County be and they are hereby author-
ized and required for and in consideration of the
sum of five dollars to convey to the County School
Commissioners of Baltimore County, their succes-
sors and assigns, for the purpose of enlarging the
lot of ground heretofore conveyed by the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County to the Board
of School Commissioners of Baltimore County, in
accordance with the provisions of the Act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, Chapter three
ers to convey.
hundredand ninety-three, which deed of conveyance
is recorded in Liber E, H. A., No. 61, folio 15, &c.,
one of the land records of Baltimore County, the fol-
lowing hereinafter described lot or parcel of ground
being and comprising a part of lot number two,
which by deed dated the eighteenth day of Febru-
ary, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, and re-
corded in Liber G. H. C., No. 21, folio 147, &c.,
one of the land records of Baltimore County was
conveyed by the Trustees of the poor of Baltimore
City, &c., to the County Commissioners of Balti-
Lot described.
more County: Beginning for the same at the end
of the first line of the lot or parcel of ground
heretofore conveyed by the County Commissioners