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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2062   View pdf image (33K)
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Earle, Spates„
Fields, Stephenson,
Grove, Timmons,
Henry, Welch,
Hyland Wilson--17.

So two-thirds of all the Senators elected having voted in
the affirmative,

Said bill WAS read the third time and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:

Messrs. President, Parker,
Browne, Sellman,
Denson, Snyder,
Earle, Spates,
Fields, Stephenson,
Grove, Timmons,
Henry, Welch,
Hyland, Wilson—17.

Said bill was then returned to the House of Delegates.

Mr. Grove asked and obtained leave to withdraw the order
offered by him in relation to the establishment of a Home of
the Friendless in Easton.

The President laid before the Senate the following message
from his Excellency, Governor Bowie:


Annapolis, March 24,1870.
Gentlemen of the Senate:

I am constrained to return, without my signature, to the
Senate, in which, it originated, the bill entitled "An Act to
amend. Article 22, of the Code of Public Local Laws for Wi-
comico County," &c.
My objections to this bill are:

First—That the Constitution, Articles, section 27, deciarea
that "every law enacted, by the General Assembly shall em-
brace but one subject, and that shall be described in its
title." The title of this bill has no reference whatever to
the moat important and the objectionable part of it, which
extends for a period of two years beyond, the term for which
they were elected, the term of the Commissioners of the town
of Salisbury.
The failure to comply with this requirement of the Consti-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2062   View pdf image (33K)
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