364 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Mar. 10,Mr. Brown presented the petition of numerous citizens of
Carroll county, against granting a charter to Bachman Valley
Railroad Company, Which was read and referred to the Committee on Cor-
porations. On motion by Mr. Parker, Leave was granted to the Senators from Calvert, Kent and
Somerset counties to report a bill to tax dogs in Calvert
county. On motion by Mr. Fields, Leave was granted to the Senators from Caroline, Wicomi-
co and Dorchester counties to introduce a bill authorizing
the County Commissioners of Caroline county to sell a part
of the lands belonging to the Almshouse property of said
county. On motion by Mr. Wilson, Leave was granted to Senators Wilson, Snyder and Browne-
to report a bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 44, 45 and
49 of Article 16, of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled
''Prince George's County," under head of "Collectors,"
enacted by the Act of 1868, chapter 330, and to repeal sec-
tions 33, 34 and 35 of Article 81, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, entitled "Revenue and Taxes," enacted by the
Act of 1865, chapter 155, in so far as the same may relate to
Prince George's county, and to re-enact the following as sec-
tions 44,45 and 49 of Article 16, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, entitled "Prince George's County," under head
of "Collectors," and to change the mode of collecting county
tax in Prince George's county, and to authorize a deduction
for prompt payment. Mr. Stephenson submitted the following JOINT RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That it is the sense of this General Assembly,
that by section three of the fifth Article of the Constitution,
and under the Act of Assembly of 1868, chapter 471, authori-
ty and power is conferred on the Governor to direct the At-
torney General to institute appropriate proceedings in a Court
of Justice, having jurisdiction, to enforce the legal obliga-
tions of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, under its charter. Resolved, That in the opinion of the General Assembly,
the public interest requires that the Governor should execute
the power thus conferred upon him. unless within twenty
days after the passage of these resolutions, the said Railroad
Company shall comply with and perform its obligations to
the State under its charter.