1870.] OF THE SENATE. 355Suter, Edward Mathews, Wm. H. Myerly, John Wisner, John W.
Ingham, Wm. H, Swam, Joshua Marsh, John A. Price, Andrew Spar-
wasser, Abraham Hare, John B. Walter, Samuel Patterson, Wm.
Patteraon, Jacob D. Zehring, Jr., John M. Hare, Band M. Wilhelm,
Wm. H. Bull, Samuel Zanchee, Emanuel Yenkee, George W. Wisner,
Casper Millendor, Thomas Crates, John H. Zouck, Samuel Marshall,
Samuel F. Boblits, Wm. Curtis, Wm. W. Hare, Jackson Meoney,
Jacob Orison, Oliver A. Grine, George W. Albau, Samuel R. Albau,
James Marshall, James O Harbaugh, J. H. Harbaugh, Henry O.
Tipton, Thomas Mathews, H. H. Lamott, George W. Lamott, Chas.
M. Murray, Joseph Armacoat, Levi J. Martin, John S. Simcoe, Jacob
Shew, Wm, S. Shauck, Wilson Housman, Wm. Baker, Charles Bis-
nee, John Bressler, John W. Cooper, Miles Davis, John A. Ely, Jas.
Jones, P. S. Cross, John W. Hunt, Oliver Purkey, Absalom Baker,
George W. Tracy, John Stifler, Edward Royston, John Patterson,
Alfred Kemp, G. Lewis Peterman, Chas. W. Kroh, John S. Sauble,
J. B. Norris, Wm. L. Beagle, Stophel A. Peregoy, John W. Bull,
Hopbel F. Armacost, John W. Gill, Wm. O. Murray, Whitfield
Murray, John Lamott, A. J. Roulson, Wm. H. Grogg, J. J. Shagars,
J T McClellan, George Ed. Myers, Michael Snider, George Shaffer,
Wm Markey, Thomas Alban, Zacariah Alban, Noah Alban, John Ing-
ham, Sam'l Fan, Wm Marshall, Emanuel Grim, Jacob M Wilhelm,
Lewis Folk, Cornelius Resh, Samuel H Resh, Jacob Resh, Oliver G
P Fowble, Jeremiah Arthur, Q S Stricklin, Peter F Shearer, William
Hoffman, Mr. Earle, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred House Joint Resolutions requiring and directing
the Treasurer, under the direction of the Governor, to sell
the remaining bonds of the defence loan, the proceeds to be
applied to the current wants of the Treasury, reported them
with the following amendments : Amend by inserting after the word "cents," the following:
Provided the same be sold at not less than their par value. Which was adopted. Said Resolutions, as amended, were then read the second.
time. The President announced, that the hour had arrived for
taking up the order of the day. The question being upon the adoption of the unfavorable
report of Finance on the House Joint Resolutions, in refer-
ence to the claim of the State against the Baltimore and.
Ohio Railroad Company, On motion by Mr. Clarke, The further consideration of said report was postponed
until to-morrow at one o'clock, and made the order of the
On motion by Mr. Clarke,