1870.] OF THE SENATE. 351Which were severally read and adopted..
Said bill as amended was then read the second time. Mr. Miller, from the Committee on Judicial Proceedings,
to whom was referred House bill entitled an Act to regulate
the pay of bailiffs of the Superior Court of Baltimore city,
of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore city, and the
Circuit and Criminal Courts of Baltimore city, reported it
without amendment. Said bill was then read the second time. Mr. Earle, from the Committee on Finance, to whom the
leave was granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to amend
Article 81, of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Bevenue and Taxes," by adding sub-sections 5 and 6, to
section 34, of Article 81, and relating to the appointment of
Collectors and collection of taxes. Which was read the first time. Also, from the same Committee to whom the leave was
granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to amend section 62,
of Article 81, of the Code of Public General Laws, relating
to the redemption of real estate sold for taxes, as amended by
the Act of 1862, chapter 133. Which was read the first time.
Mr. Stephenson, from the Select Committee, to whom the
leave was granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to provide
for the appointment of an additional Justice of the Peace in
district No. 2, Hall's Cross Roads, in Harford county. Which was read the first time. Mr. Welch, from the Select Committee,, to whom was re-
ferred House bill entitled an Act to amend the Public Local
Laws of Kent county, title "Chestertown," by repealing
section 35, and to re-enact the same as amended, reported it
without amendment. Said bill was then read the second time. Mr. Timmons, from the Select Committee, to whom
was referred House bill entitled an Act to change the
dividing line between the first and eighth election districts in
Worcester county, reported it with the following amend-
ment: Amend by striking out all of the first section, beginning
after the word "ferry" in the 7th line, and insert in lieu
thereof the following: to the county road leading from
Snow Hill to Newtown by way of Davis' Cross Roads, thence