350 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Mar. 9,On motion by Mr. Stephenson, Leave was granted to the Senators from Harford, Wash-
ington and Caroline counties, to report a bill authorizing the
Governor to appoint and commission an additional Justice of the Peace for the second election district of Harford county. Mr. Spates, from the Committee on Corporations, to whom
was referred House bill entitled an Act to amend the Act
passed at the January session of the General Assembly of
1867, chapter 320, entitled an Act to incorporate the Trus-
tees of the parsonage belonging to the Mechanicstown charge
of the German Beformed Church,, reported it without amend- ment. Said bill was then read the second time.
Also, From the same Committee, to whom was referred House
bill entitled an Act to alter and amend an Act passed at
the January session of 1854, chapter 60, entitled an Act to
incorporate a society in Washington county, to be styled the
Agricultural and Mechanical Association of Washington
county, &c., reported it without amendment. Said bill was then read the second time. Mr. Spates, from the Committee on Internal Improve-
ments, to whom was referred House bill entitled an Act to
authorize the Mutual Building Association of Annapolis to
construct a bridge from the City of Annapolis over Spa creek,
in Anne Arundel county, reported it without amendment. Said bill was then read the second time. Mr. Spates, from the Committee on Corporations, to whom
was referred House bill entitled a supplement to an Act to
incorporate the stockholders of the Franklin Savings Bank
of Baltimore, passed at the November session, 1810, chapter
67, reported it with the following amendments : Amend by adding the following section : SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Franklin Bank
of Baltimore shall be subject to the several provisions, con-
ditions, restrictions and limitations contained in the Act en- titled ''An Act to continue the corporate existence of the several banking institutions therein mentioned," passed on
the thirtieth day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
chapter four hundred and forty-one. Amend the section now marked as No. 2, by striking out
the figure "2" where it occurs in the first line, and insert in
lieu thereof the figure 3.