1870.] OF THE SENATE. 59awarded, in the meantime, the printing matter which has
been already done, and for which there is no contract, or
price set, must be paid for at the usual rates of such work.
There is now a considerable amount of printing matter accu-
mulated, which has been ordered, but your Committee cannot
order the printing of such matter until authorized by the
General Assembly. Your Committee, therefore, recommend the acceptance of
the proposition of Messrs. Thompson & Co., as it will be seen
the proposal for doing the printing is $9,300 less than the
cost of doing the printing work of the session of 1868, and
$31,400 less than the session of 1867.
All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES C. CLARKE.
Chairman of the Joint Committee on Printing. JOHN F. WILEY,
Chairman of House Committee. Which was read and adopted. Mr. Earle moved to reconsider the vote on the passage
of the bill, entitled aa Act to pay the Electors for President
and Vice President of the United States, in and for the State
of Maryland, their officers and attendants; said bill not hav-
ing been properly engrossed. The said bill was then read the third time and passed by
yeas and nays as follows : AFFIRMATIVE. Messrs. President, Maddox,
Biggs, Malone,
Browne, Miller,
Carroll, Sellman,
Clarke, Snyder,
Earle, Spates,
Fields, Stephenson,
Henry, Timmons,
Hyland, Welch,
Jump, Wilson—-20. NEGATIVE—None. Mr. Earle, from the Committee on Finance, to whom the
leave had been granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to di-
rect the Attorney General of this State to cause the State of
Maryland, to be by proper proceeding, made a party in the
cause now pending in the Circuit Court of Baltimore city, en-
titled The Commonwealth of Virginia vs. the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal Company and others, and to appear for this State
in said. cause, and. for other purposes. Which was read the first time.