1870.] OF THE SENATE. 57Whereupon, it appearing that Messrs. Lefevre Jarrett,
James B. Carr, and. Wm. H. B. Fusselbaugh, had re-
ceived the highest number of votes, the Chairman of the
Joint Convention, declared that the said. Lefevre Jarrett,
James E. Carr, and Wm. H. B. Fusselbaugh, were duly
elected Police Commissioners for the City of Baltimore, for
four years from the expiration of the term of office of the pre-
sent Board.
On motion by Mr. Snyder,
The Joint. Convention adjourned. At 2 P.M., the Senators returned to the Senate Chamber,
and resumed, the consideration of Legislative business. On motion by Mr. Snyder, Leave was granted to the Senators from Baltimore city to
introduce a bill entitled "An Act to add additional sections
to the 10th Article of Public Local Laws, relating to the city
of Baltimore, sub-title, Streets." On motion by Mr. Carroll, Leave was granted to Senators Carroll, Brown and Clarke
to introduce a bill to repeal chapter 358 of the Acts of 1868,
entitled "An Act to provide for the repairs of the public
roads of Howard county." On motion by Mr. Fields, it was Ordered, That a Special Committee on Retrenchment of
County Expenses, to consist of five members, be appointed
by the President, with leave to report by bill or otherwise,
for the purpose of examining into county expenses, with the
view of reducing and making the same more uniform
throughout the State. The President appointed as said Committee Senators Fields,
Henry, Sellman, Stephenson and Wilson. On motion by Mr. Malone, it was Ordered, That the State Librarian is hereby directed to
furnish the Senate with official paper and envelopes for the
necessary transaction of public business, and also with port-
folios now on hand. On motion by Mr. Malone, it was Ordered, That the same amount of postage stamps be
equally distributed to each member of the Senate that are
furnished to the members of the House of Delegates. On motion by Mr. Malone.