56 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 20,of three Commissioners of Police for the city of Baltimore,
and concur therein. We have nominated, on the part of the Senate, Messrs.
Lefevre Jarrett, W. H, Fusselbaugh, James E. Carr and W.
H. Neilson,
By order,
AUGUSTUS GASSAWAY, Secretary. Which was read, assented to and sent to the House of Dele-
gates. At the hour of 12, M., the Senators proceeded to the Hall
of the House of Delegates, to meet in Joint Convention, to
elect three Commissioners of Police for Baltimore City. JOINT CONVENTION.
THURSDAY, January 20,1870. The hour of 12 o'clock, M., being the time appointed by
the Senate and House of Delegates to meet in Joint Conven-
tion, for the purpose of holding an election for three Police
Commissioners for the City of Baltimore, the said. Senate and
House accordingly met in Joint Convention in the Hall of
the House of Delegates. The Hon. Ferdinand C. Latrobe, Speaker of the House of
Delegates, presided as Chairman of the Joint Convention. The Chairman appointed. Mr. Sayder on the part of the
Senate, and Mr. Blake on the part of the House of Delegates,
to act as tellers. The Secretary of the Senate, and the Cleric of the House of
Delegates, proceeded to call the roll of their respective Houses.
Whereupon, each Member proceeded to deposit his ballot.
Upon counting the ballots, Mr. Snyder, on the part of the
tellers, made the following report : At the Joint Meeting of the Senate and House of Delegates,
held in compliance with an Act of January Session, 1867, to
elect three persons to constitute the Board of Police Commis-
sioners of the City of Baltimore, the tellers appointed re-
spectfully report that there were one hundred and eight
ballots cast, and that Lefevre Jarrett received 103 votes.
James E. Carr " 104 "
Wm. H. B. Fusselbaugh" 89 "
Wm. H. Neilson " 25 "
James Pentland " 1 "