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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 968   View pdf image (33K)
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Cooley, Gordon M 773
Coombs, Victoria J 546
Cooney, Mary T 730
Cooney, Robin 730
Cooney, Timothy 890
Coonev, Walter M 255
Cooper, Ann 729
Cooper, Barbara 554
Cooper, Barbara A 465
Cooper, Charles R 373, 381
Cooper, David 235
Cooper, Dorna J 440
Cooper, Ellen S 173,176
Cooper, Frednc C 873
Cooper, Gerald H 533, 534
Cooper, Katharine Kahoe 151, 153
Cooper, I mda 606
Cooper, Peter 892
Cooper, Philip R 821
Cooper, Phyllis N 738
Cooper, Russell C 575
Cooper I ee, Alice Sue 302
Cooperman, Elizabeth S 414
Cooperstem, Bert 413
Copeland, Bonme S 234
Copcland, Charles E , Sr 784
Copeland, Leon L 603
Coplin, Thomas 376
Copper, Catherine R 816
Copsey, Susan C 375
Corbett, Manlyn J 506
Corbin, Michael 710
Corckran, Pamela F 150,152
Corcoran, Thomas R 470, 485
Corderman, Roscoe D 575
Cordi, Stephen M 160,162,165, 588
Cordial, Carol L 203,210
Cordish, Stuart; 873
Cordts, Harold J 307, 719
Corkern.Wilt 352
Corkran, Gwendalynne G 886, 901
Corkran, William H , Jr 440
Corley, Marv Ann 235, 246, 639
Cornish, Jacquelyn D 354
Cornwell, Patricia L 466
Corun, William M 503, 511
Corwin, Louise J 151,153,211,
Cosennno, Nell G 507
Cosgro\ e, James F X 698, 699
Coss, Richard L 835
Cottintmo, Patricia M. 235
Costas, Lius 374
Costella, Lorraine A 233, 240, 794
Costello, Christopher B 38
Coster, Bryan S 414
Cothran, Mary E 799
Cottingham, J Michael 830
Cottman, Harland I 699
Cottman, Joyce 469

Cotton, Raymond D 634
Coughlan, Richard J 300
Coughhn, Brian 523
Coughlin, Rose Mane 638
Coulbourne, Anna C 827
Coulbourne, Tern Jean 874
Couruhan, Gene W 887,901
Coumhan, Harold 892
Countee, Jerome T 810
Coursey, Leon N 307
Coursey, Norma 874
Courtemanche, Robert A 308
Courtney, Gail A 504
Courtright, B Frank 256,266,851
Couser, Mary Sue 645
Cousler, Joseph M 162
Couthen, Albert J 543
Cover, Michael D 561
Cover, Steven R 646, 724
Coviello. Albert A 306, 336
Covm, Larry 465
Covington, Bruce 163
Covington, Lena 140
Covmo, Pauline R 157, 373
Cowee, Daniel R 831
Cowger, Robert L , Jr 845
Cowley, Roberta S 535
Cox, Bettv 302, 323
Cox, Brian 637
Cox, Gary F 494
Cox, Maurice 744
Cox, Mildred M 743
Coy, Silveno 374
Coyle, Caryn 255, 265
Coyle,JohnJ 573
Crabb, Richard E 890
Crabtree, Glenn B , Jr 875
Cratt, Charles W 235
Craig, David R 35, 37, 38, 52, 56,
Craig, Michael 876
Craig, Vincent 554
Craighead.J Thomas 830,832
Cram, Stephen 594
Cramer, Joyce W 723
Cramer, M Michael 858
Crampton, Margareta A 587
Crankfield, Willie G 619
Crasco, Bea J 780
Craven, Ihomas L 682, 683, 687,
Craver,Shelli 640
Craw ford, Edwin S 588, 590
Crawford, Jennifer 140
Crawford, Joseph 876
Crawford, Mallory W 544
Crawtord, Nancy P 700
Crawford, Reid W 596
Crawford, Robert A 163

Crawford, Stephen 884
Crawford, William E , Jr 876
Crawley, William A 303
Craw mer, Arthur 466
Creamer, Matthew E 839
Cree, Andrea B 307
Creel, George C 611
Creighton, Catrma 391
Crenshaw, William 729
Cresswcll, Charles H 876
Crctcr, Robert 258
Crew, Spencer R 353, 634
Crewe, Sandra E 354
Cncchio, Mary Ann 217
Cnmone, Mickie 303, 326
Crocetti, Robert C 171
Crocker, Donna F 806
Crotoot, Ernest A 347, 785
Cromwell, Charlene M 172
Cromwell, Christopher G 414
Cromwell, James J 541
Cromw ell, Patnce M 627
Cromwell Moss, Thclma 877
Cronauer, Charles M 465, 780, 836
Crone, Ruth R 853
Cronm, Daniel J 886,900
Cromn, Da\ id 548
Cronm, Thomas 554
Crook, Amanda M 644
Crook, Jesse J 189, 197
Cropper, Edward S 847
Cropper, Reese F, Jr 848
Crosby, Edna H 236
Crosby, Kathy F 173
Crosby, Patricia E 255, 263
Croser, M Doreen 629
Cross, Christopher T 233, 235,
Crossland, Fdw ard C 875
Crossland, Stephen P 887, 901
Crosslev, Charles, Jr 816
Crossncy, Morgan J 415
Crothers, Betty W 701,832
Crouch, Edw ard P 523
Crousc, James G 760
Crouse, Ken R 574
Crowe, Eileen 71
Crowl, Paid A 186, 583
Crowley, Bcttv M 154, 376, 386
Crow thcr, Donald 469
Crum, John M 775
Crum, Robert S 745
Crumble, Donald C 255
Crumlm, Michael A 72, 83, 113,
118, 120,891,903
Crump, Milton, Jr 143
Cryor, Jean B 73, 83, 113, 117,
Cucma, Samuel 550
Cueman, Edmund R 583



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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