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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 967   View pdf image (33K)
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Cline, Edward E 585
Clinton, Frank A 820
Clinton, John A 157
Clopton, Lewis P 566, 567
Close, Geoffrey R 784
Clouner, Valene V 174,179,229.233
Cluw, F Lcc 437
Clyburn, Ben C 682, 687, 695, 733
Coakley, Frank B 349, 351, 354, 359
Coaklev, Kathleen A 645, 646
Coale, Joseph M , III 352, 557
Coates, Hannah 468
Coates.RuthB 151,629
Coates, Thomas K 848
Cobb, Dawna 174
Cobb,RosieA 874
Cobbs.Drew 277
Coble, Reed C 466
Coburn.JohnW.Jr 720
Coburn, Mary S 546
Coccaro, Joan 303
Cochran, Dons Ann 743
Cochran, Peyton S , Jr 442
Cockey, Margo Chanev 303
Cody, Rebecca L 505,517
Coc, John C 631
Coffin, Ellen R 161
Coffin, Michael C 135,136
Cogai, Randall P 552. 873
Cogen, Raymond 303
Cogswell, Donald 877
Cohee.EarlR 747
Cohen, Arnold A 306
Cohen, Bermce F 807
Cohcn, David 189
Cohen, George 469
Cohen, Harold A 300
Cohen, Herbert 807
Cohen, Jane Whitehouse 730
Cohen, Joel M 554,590
Cohen,John 143
Cohen. Judith 1 522
Cohen,Sandra J 174,175,550
Cohen, Steven S 300
Cohen, Susan 175
Cohn, Gail R 174
Cohn, Kathenne A 737
C olbert, Phillip L 393, 399, 406
Colborn, Robert J 147, 149
Colburn, Janet R 753
Colburn, Richard F 38, 52, 56, 59,
Cole, Beveri) P 535
Cole, Charles W,Jr 590
C ole, Donaldson C , Jr 660, 667,
Cole, Harry A 566.637
Cole,! Owen 506,592,641
Cole, Janet K 835
Cole, Miles 217

Cole, Sanuna R 440
Cole, Thomas W.Jr 599
Cole, W Edwin, Jr 544
Colella, Joseph J , Jr 304
Coleman, Amy S 816
Coleman, Carol 537
Coleman, Dane A. 748
Coleman, Daniel A 507
Coleman, Diane 536
Coleman, John E 873
Coleman, Linda S 543
Coleman, Mary E 810
Coleman, Sean L 175
Coles, Charles M , Jr 791
Coles, Waenna A 729
Coletti, Theresa M 594
Colgam, Samuel, III 299, 315
Colison, Charles B 465
Collett, James D , Jr 645, 646
Collier, Ann B 873
Collier, Eugema W 567
Collier, James R 851
Collier, Stephen N 601
Collier, Trudy V 211,236,248
Collms, Ah/in C 143,144,150,
Collms, Brian A 645
Collms, Carville B 624
Collms, David B 234, 633
Collms, John J 465,642
Collms, Leight D 175
Collms, Leonard C , Jr 764
Collms, Michael J 37, 38, 39,48,
52,56,59,116, 117,119,138,
Collms, Nancy 69
Collms, Randolph M 217, 894
Collms, Richard W 251, 256, 268,
Collms, William J , Jr 753
Collison, Robert S 701
Collyer, Philip L 637
Colmers, John M 300,318
Colodzm, Louise 301, 321
Colona, Robert C 442
Colter, Vicki Z 398
Colussy, Darnel A 641
Cob/in, Ernest J 416
Colvm, Gordon C 850
Colvm, John B 257,569
Colvm, Mark 135
Colwell, Rita R 589, 613, 614,
Combs, C Kevin 546
Comeau, Michael G 169,874
Comen, Jeffrey G 175
Comer, Douglas C 352, 364
Commack, Darell R , Jr 640
Commodan, Helen Battaglia 873

Como, Angela 890
Compton, G Wade 876
Compton, J Michael 303, 326
Conaway, Frank M 893
Conaway, K Marlene 570
Conaway, Mary W 734
Conelly.W.lliam 870
Corns, Gerard J 416
Conklin, Herbert 634
Conlm.JancR 374,748
Conlin, Marcia L 730
Conn, Amanda S 72
Connell, Gary S 203,209
Connell, Norman R 258, 874
Connelley, Thomas J 573
Connelly, John J 303, 325
Connolly, Grace G 740
ConnollyJ Fred 817
Conolly, Eugema W 305, 333
Conover, John A 816
Conrad, Barbara L 257, 270
Conrad, David L 187
Conrad, Gregory E 855
Conrad, Patricia Ann 835
Conroy, J Michael, Jr 560
Conrc>y,MaryA 69,71,73,83,113,
Conroy, Patrick R 470, 486
Conte, Michael A 601
Contestabile, John M 503, 562, 631
Conti, Fugene A , Jr 143, 159,
626, 629, 635,638, 644,645
Conuc, John L 414
Conway, Bertie W 574
Conwav, Joan Carter 727, 894
Conway, Norman H 38, 39,69,71,
Conway, Paul J 301
Cook, Barbara M 789
Cook, Edward J 636
Cook, John 143
Cook, John L 283,290
Cook, Joseph H 471
Cook, Kathenne L 376, 387
Cook, Mary Jane 471
Cook, Samuel L 283, 289
Cook,Sandra M (Sandy) 750
Cook, Susan J 789
Cooke, J P Blase 629, 700
Cooke, LaMonte E 308, 465, 542,
Cooke, Shirley E 738
Cookerlv, Ernest S 796
Cooksey, Betsy A 217
Cooksey, Charlotte M 308, 682,
687,696,697, 733
Cooksey, Dav id W 440, 646, 713
Coolahan, John C 695
Cooley, Arthur M 840



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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