John r- Wood, Jr , Chair
Southern Maryland Senate Delegation RoyP Dyson,
Thomas M Middleton, Thomas V Mike Miller, Jr
Southern Maryland House of Delegates Delegation
Thomas E (Tim) Hutchms, Samuel C Lmton,Van
T Mitchell, Anthony J O'Donnell, George W
Owmgs III, John F Slade III
Calvert County Commissioners Patrick M Buehler,
Mark R Frazer, Linda L Kelley, Mary M Krug,
Hagner R Mister
Charles County Commissioners Marland Deen,
Robert J Fuller, Marvin C Kisamore, Murray D
Levy, W Daniel Mayer
St Mary's County Commissioners Paul W Chesser,
D Christian Burgman, Frances P Eagan, Lawrence
D Jarboe, Barbara R Thompson
Appointed by Southern Maryland Municipal
Association Ruth W Proffitt
At-Large members Donald L Brown, John T
Parran, Jr , John C Smith, Jr
Nowvoting members John Buckmaster, Brian W
Clarke, David W Cooksey, William Gray (County
Economic Development Commissions), Joseph F
Anderson, John Ward (County Planning
Commissions), Ronald M Kreitner, Director of
Planning, James R Gatto, Dept of Business &
Economic Development
Gar\ V Hodge, Executive Director
P O Box 1634
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 (301) 884 2144
DC area (301)870 2520
Formed on December 6, 1964, the Tn County
Council for Southern Maryland fosters the eco
nomic and social development of the southern
Maryland counties (Calvert, Charles, and St
Mary's) In 1965, the Governor recognized the
Council as the cooperative planning and develop
ment agency tor Southern Maryland The Council
was established by statute in 1966 and became a
tax exempt corporation in 1970 (Chapter 586,
Acts of 1966, Chapter 573, Acts of 1970) The
Council's enabling law was reenactcd as State gen
eral legislation in 1976 (Chapter 708, Acts of
1976) In 1984, the status of the Council as an
independent agency was confirmed (Chapter 373,
Acts of 1984)
The Council brings together local, State and
federal resources to address issues in economic
development, environmental protection, and re
gional resource management, which includes trans
portation, utilities, urban growth and
development, housing, and public facilities and
services Annually, the Council submits its pro
posed programs and operating budget for the next
fiscal year to the Department of Business and Leo
nomic Development At least every four years, the
Council reevaluates the General Development Plan
for Southern Maryland, following the election of
State and local officials (Chapter 36, Acts of 1979)
The Council consists of thirty seven members
Twenty nine are voting members, and eight non
voting (Code 1957, Art 20)
Chair Arthur T Bond, Alleganv County
Alleaawy County members Edward C Athey, John R.
Kirby, Bernard L Loar, Leontyne Peck, Karen Thaver
Garrett County members Stephen J Herman,
Ph D , James C Hinebaugh, Jana Naylor, Gary
Ruddell, Rebecca Williams, H Wayne Wilt
Washington County members Ronald L Bowers,
Sharon W Disque, R Lee Downey, Fred Papa,
William Pennington, Steven T Sagcr
Western Maryland Senate Delegation John J
Hafer, Donald F Munson
Western Maryland House of Delegates Delegation
John P Donoghue, George C Edwards, Robert A
McKee, D Bruce Poole, Casper R Tavlor, Jr ,
Betty Workman
Michael J Wagoner, Director
111 South George St (301) 777 2158
Cumberland, MD 21502 tax (301) 777 2495
Duties of the Tn County C ouncil for Western
Maryland originated with the Governor's Council
for Appalachian Maryland in 1968 The Go\ ernor's
Council was replaced in 1971 by the Tn County
Council tor Western Maryland, a nonprofit corpo
ration chartered to serve Maryland's western coun
ties Formerly under the Department ofhconomic
and Community Development, the Council be
came an independent agency in 1986 (Chapter
861, Acts of 1986)
An association of the governments of Allegan^,
Garrett and Washington counties, the Council
serves as a regional planning and development
agenc) for the tn county area The Council works
to enhance the quality of economic development in
the region and strengthen relationships among its
local governments
Using State aid, the Council fosters the ph} sical,
economic and social development of Western
Maryland The Council also receives planning as
sistance funds from the federal hconomic Dc\clop