land State and Harfotd County Bai Associations Professor
of lav (part time), Villa Julie College Distinguished serv
ice awaids from International Association of Chiefs of
Police, Maryland Chiefs of Police Association, Maryland
State Sheriffs Association, Maryland Law Enforcement Of
Jicers Asioctation Americans fo» Effective Law Enforce
timon (. it\, District 1, District C ourt of Maryland, since
1990 Assistant Stite's Attorney Baltimore City, 1979
83 Ju\cnilc Master, Baltimoic City, 1983 90 Born »n
GaitoniB North Carolina June 2, 1942 Allegany High
School C umbel land, Maryland, Essex Community College,
A A, 1974, Univci sity of Baltirnoi e, K A, 1975, University
of Baltimin e School of Law, ] D, 1977 Admitted to Mary-
land Bat, 1979 Member, Mainland State, Baltimoic City
and Women's bo) Associations, National Council of Juve
nile and Family Cou;t Judges
timore Counn, District 8, District Court of Maryland, since
1982 Bo;n »n Baltimore, Maryland, April 5, 1941 Maryvale
School, Hol/tns College, BA 1962, University of Baltimore
School of Law JD, 7967 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972
Membn, Ba/timo; e County and Women's Bar Associations
C. CLARKE RALEY. Associate Judge, St Mary's
Count\, District 4, District Court of Maryland, since
1983 Assistant State's Attorne), St Mark's County,
197478 State's Attorney St Mary's County, 1981 82
Born ;» Washington, DC, January 9, 1943 Ryken High
School, University of Maryland, BA, 1964, University of
Maryland School of Law, J D 1968 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1968 Associate of Ober, Grimes and Shnver, 1968-69
Private pi actice in St Mary'i (aunty, 1969 74, 1978 81
MARTHA F. RASIN District Administrative Judge,
Anne Arundel County, District 7, District C ourt of Marv
land, since 1995 (Associate Judge, 1989—) Chair, Judicial
Education Committee, District Court of Maryland Mem
ber. Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee,
Maryland Judicial Conference Member, Committee to
Implement Domestic Violence Law, 1992 Board ofDircc
tors, Judicial Institute of Man land Born in C hestertown,
Maryland, Junt 25, 1947 Man Baldwin College, B A, 1969,
University ofBaltinwie School of law, JD, 1981 Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1981 Member, Maryland State and
Women 's Bar Associations, Anne Arundel County Bar Asso
elation (boaid of trustees, 1991—) Member, Women's Law
Centci Ame) (can Inns of C ourt, Heuisler Honor Society
MARC G. RASINSKY Associate Judge, Carroll C ounty,
District 10 District C ourt of Man land, since 1996 Born in
Baltimore, Maiyland, November 8,1948 University of Mary
land, BA, 1970, Univci sity of Maryland School of Law, J D,
1974, Univosity of Maryland Schoolof Social Work Admitted
to Ma» yland Bai, 1974 Mernbet, Maryland State and Car-
roll County Bar Associations
ALAN M. RESNICK. Associate Judge, Baltimore Cit),
District 1, District ( ourt of Man land, since 1974 Mem
bcr. House of Delegates, 1959 74 (chair, banking msur
ance committee, 1967, insurance subcommittee
1969 74) Born in Baltimoic Maryland May 14, 1928
Baltimore City C olleae, University of Maryland, AB,
1949, University of Maryland School of Law, LLB, 1952
Admitted to Maryland Rai 1952 Member, Maryland
State and Baltimore City Bai Associations Served in U S
Aimy 1952 54 Executive boai d, ( onference of Insurance
legislators of the United States 1972 74
THURMAN H RHODES Associate Judge, Prince
George's County, District 5, District Court of Man land, since
1988 Associate Genera] Counsel to Maryland National Capi
tal Park and Planning Commission, 197'i 88 Inquiry Panel,
Attorns Grievance Commission, 1987 Assistant attorney
general, 1988 C hair. Child Support Enforcement Commit
tee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1994— Member,
Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee,
Maryland Judicial Conference Born in Baltimore, Mary
land, August 18, 1949 Morgan State College BA, 1972
Catholic University School of Law, JD, I97S Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1976 Membe;, American, Maryland State,
Pnnce George's County and J Fianklyn Bomne Bai Assoeia
tions Instructor (paralegal progi am), P-nnce George sCommu
nit» College, University of Maryland University C olleae Boaid
of Trustees, Henson Valley Montesson School
ESSOM V. RICKS, JR., Associate ludge \nne Arundel
County, District 7, District ( ourt of Man land, since
1994 Member, Anne Arundel Jmenile ( ouit Acbison
Committee, 1979 80, Anne Arundel C ounn, Children's
Council, 1979 80, Anne Arundel ( ounn Drug Abuse
Advisory Council, 1987, Anne Arundel Count\ Drug and
Alcohol Advison Council, 1988 95 (treatment commit
tee, 1988 89, underage drinking committee, 199^, legis
lative committee, 1993 95) Member, Human Relations
Commission, 1979 81 CTeneral Counsel, Anne Arundel
County Personnel Board, 1985 87 Inquin, Pmcl,Attor
ney Gne\ance Commission, 1985 88 Character Corn
mittee for 5th Judicial Circuit, 1994 9S Bo;n in
Annapolis, Maryland, May 25 1946 Moigan State Uni
versify, B S, 1968 Seivedin US Army 1968 71 Univer
sity of Maryland School of Law, JD, 7974 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1974 Membe; Anne Arundel ( ounty Bai
Association (chair, library committee 198] 82 1988 89,
1991-95) Membe), Marga»ctB;ent Inn oJCouit I990 91
(chair, pupilage g»oup I990 91), Maiyland ( ouncil of
Masters, 1992 94 (secretary &treas, I99? 94)
MARY ELLEN T. RINEHARDT District Admimstra
tive Judge, Baltimore Cm, District 1, District C ourt of
Maryland, since 1991 (Associate Judge, 1982—) Member,
Governor's Commission on Workmen's Compensation
Laws, 1981 82 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee to Implement
Maryland's Domestic Violence Laws, 1982— Chair,
Mayor's Coordinating Council on DomesUc Violence, Bal
timore Cit\ Member, Court of Appeals Standing Commit
tee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 198S— Born in
Plainfield, New Jersey, August 6, 1929 Laurel, Maryland,
primary and secondary schools. University of Maryland, BA,
1950, University of Baltimore School of law, LLB, 1968
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968 Membe j , A me i ican, Mary
land State, Baltimore C ity and Women's Rai Associations
Member, Women's Law Centci, 'National Association of
Women Judge'. Chief of Litigation Legal Aid Bureau, Inc,
197982 Member, National Organization fm Women, (a
thedral Church of the Incarnation, Ht msler Hanoi Society
W. MILNOR ROBERTS Associate ludge, Frederick
County, District 11, District Court of Maryland, since
1991 Born i» Cumberland, Maryland, Oetobn 19, 1945
University of Maryland, BA 1969, Univiniti of Mary
land School of Law, J D, 1972 Admitted to Mai yland Bar,
1972 Member, Amencan, Maryland State and Frederick
County Bar Associations Attorney for C ity of hedenck,
1974 90 Member, Inquiry Committee, 1980 88, and Re
view Board, 1989 91, of Attorney Grievance ( ommission
NELSON W. RUPP, JR. Associate judge, Montgomery
County, District 6, District Court of Man 1 ind since 1993
Scmur Assistant State's Auomc\, Muntgoinci-v Counn,
1973 77 Member, Alternative Communin Sen ices
Commission, City of Rockvillc, 1975 80 Assistant Public
Defender, Montgomcn County, 1977 80 Depute
State's Attorney, St Man's C ount\ 198081 Assistant
State's Attorne), Prince George's Counn, 1981 83
Member, Montgomery Count\ Alcohol md other Drug
Abuse Advisory Council, 1992— (chair, criminal justice
committee) Member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and
Addiction Committee, Man land Judicial C onterence,
1994— .Born »n Great lakes, Illinois Ap)il 29, 1949
Bethesda Chew Chase High School, Deniwn University,
BA, 1970, Washington College of Law The American