Maryland Bai, 1972 Staff attorney. Legal Aid Bureau,
Inc, 1972 73 Partner, Foster, Mathews & Hill, 197582
MICHAEL L. McCAMPBELL Associate Judge, Balti
more County, District 8, District ( ourt of Maryland, since
1990 Corporal, Police Depaitmcnt, Howard County,
1972 77 Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County,
1983 84 Oflicc of Public Defender, Baltimore County,
1984 90 Born in Detroit, Michigan, January 3, 7939 Served
tn US Navi University of Baltimore BA, 1978, University
ofBaltimore Schooloflaw,]D, 1982 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1982 Member, Baltimore Count) Bar Association
DENNIS M. McHUGH Associate Judge, Montgomery
( ount), District 6, District Court of- Maryland, since 1991
(Judge in Chaige, Ju\enile Division, 1996—) Assistant
corporation counsel, District of Columbia,1972 76 Born
in Washington, DC, February 7, 1943 Gonzaga College High
School, University ofSc»anton, BS 1965, Georgetown Uni-
ve)sity Law C enter, JD, 1968 Served in US Naval Reserve
(captain, active duty aboaid USS Turner Joy, 1968 71)
Law clerk to Judge Kenneth C Proctor, Baltimore County
Circuit Couft, 1972 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973
Member, Maryland State, Montgomery County and District
of Columbia Bar Associations
JAMES CHARLES McKINNEY District Administrative
Judge, Cecil County, District 3, District Court of Maryland,
since 1988 (Associate Judge, 1986—) Assistant State's
Attorney, C ceil County, 1977 81 Deputy State's Attorney,
Cecil County, 1982 86 Born »n Wtlmington, Delaware,
January 7, 1946 Attended Cecil County public schools, Wash-
ington College, B A, 1968, University of Baltimore School of
Law,JD, 197'5 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1975 Member,
Maryland State and Cecil County Bar Associations
HENRY J. MONAHAN Associate Judge, Montgomery
County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, since 1981
Assistant U S Attorney for District ofC olumbia, 1964 69
Member, Montgomery County task Force on Spousal
Abuse, 1988— Born in New York, New York, November 15,
1932 St Thomas Seminary, Hartford, C onnecticut, A A,
1952, Fair field University and Walsh School of Foreign Serv
ice, Georgetown University, BS, 1955 Served in U S Army
(. ounter Intelligence Corps, 1955 57 Georgetown University
School of Law, LLB, 1963 Admitted to District of Columbia
Bai, 1964, Maryland Bar, 1969 Member, American, Mary-
land State, Montgomery County and District of Columbia
Bar Associations Member, numerous committees of Maryland
Judicial Conference, Maryland State and Montgomery
( ounty Bar Associations Past president, Orehardale Citizen
Association, past chair. Little Flower Pai ish Council Member,
Friendly Sons of St Patrick Board of Directors, Catholic Touth
Organization, Immaeulata College High School, Rockville,
Md, 198586 Member, Catholic Wai Veterans, Disabled
American Veterans Moot Court Judge, Georgetown and
American University Law Schools Member, Montgomery
County Bar Foundation, Montgomery County Chapter,
American Inns ofC ourt
VINCENT A. MULIERI Associate Judge, Anne Arun
del County, District 7, District Court of Maryland, since
1991 Assistant count) solicitor, Anne Anindel County,
1965 66 Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel
County, 196772 Board of Tiustees, Anne Arundel
C ommunit} College, 1978 83 Membci, Human Rela
tions Commission, 198991 Inquiry Panel, Attorney
Grievance Commission, 1989 91 Born in Augusta, Gear
gia, July 15, 1938 Served in U S Army (6 months active
duty, reserve, 1963 68) University of North C arolina, B A,
I960, University of Maryland School of Law, LLB, 1963
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1963 Member, Maryland
State and AnmAfundel County Bar Associations Member,
Margaret Blent Inn of C ourt (pros 1995—)
THERESA A. NOLAN Associate Judge, Pnnce George's
C ounty. District S, District Court of Maryland, since 1985
C hair, Pnnce George's County Cable Television Commission,
1978 Master for Domestic Relations, Prince George's
County Circuit Court, 1980 85 Member, C hild Support
Enforcement Advisory Council, 1983 86 Membci Dis
tnct Advisory Board for Public Defender System, District
5, 1984— Chair, Domestic Violence Coordinaong ( om
mittee. District Court, Pnnce George's Counn, 1988—
Chair, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Confer
ence, 1992 Chair, Select Committee on Gender Equality,
Maryland Judicial Conference, 1992— Member, Corn
mission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 199S— (chair,
subcommittee on criminal, juvenile & famil\ matters)
Born »» Washington, DC, December 10, 1930 University of
Baltimore, BA, 1972, University oj Baltimore School of Law,
JD, 1975 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976 Mcmbir, Mary-
land State Bar Association (board of governoi s, 1985 87,1989
91, Judicial administration section council, 1995—), Pnnce
George's County Bar Association ({res, 1985), Women's Bar
Association Judicial College, Reno, Nevada, 1982, 1990 In
structor (paralegal program), University of Maryland Univcr
sify College, and Pnnce George's Community ( olleac Faculty,
Judicial Institute of Maryland, 1989— (professionalism course
fornew admittees, 1990—) Member, Inns of Court, 199 f—
JOHN L. NORTON III. District Administrative Judge,
Dorchester County, District 2, Distnct Court of Maryland,
since 1990 (Associate Judge, 1985—) State's Attorney,
Dorchester County, 1979 83 Born in Boston, Massachusetts,
January 18, 1951 Tale University, BA, 1972, Boston Uni-
versity School of Law, J D, 1975 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1975 Member, Maryland State and Dorchester C ount> Bar
Associations Past president, Cambridge Lions C tub Board of
Trustees, Dorchester County Public Library
THEODORE B. OSHRINE Associate Judge, Balti
more City, District 1, District Court of Man land s.mce
1985 Member, Character C ommittec of C ouit of Ap
peals for 8th Judicial Circuit, 1980 85 Member, Civil
Law and Procedure Committee, Mainland Judicial Con
terence, 1986 89 (chair, 1988 89) Instructor, New Trial
Judges Orientation Program, 1986 91 Membci, Judicial
Education Committee, 1987 89 (chair, 1988 89), and
Commissioner Education Committee, 1991—, District
Court of Maryland Board of Directors, Judicial Institute,
1988 93 Judge in Charge, East Couithousc, 1993 9S
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 18, 1949 University
of Virginia, B A, 1970, University of Mainland School of
Law, JD, 1973 Law clerk to Judge Wilson K Barnes,
Court of Appeals, 1973 74 Admitted to Maiyland Bar,
1973 Member, Maryland State and Baltimore City Bar
Associations Allen, Thteblot & Alexander, 1974 85 (part
ner, 1978 85) Order of the Coif (law school honor society)
PLOYD L. PARKS. Associate Judge, Kent (ounty,
District 3, District Court of Maryland, since 199S \ttoi
ney for Kent County Sanitary Commission, 1973 95
State's Attorney, Kent Count\, 197S 79 Member,
ChestertownHistoiic District Commission, 1981 86 As
sistant State's Attorney, Sept Dec 1991 Born in Wash
ington DC, July 8, 1938 Served in US A»my 1961 63
The Johns Hopkins University, BS, 1966, University of
Maryland School ofLaw, J D, 1970 Admitted to Mar viand
Bar, 1970 Member, Maryland State Bar Association (dis
ttnguished service award, young lawyers section 1976),
Kent County Bar Association (past {res) Past vice-presi-
dent, Maryland Ornithological Society
EMORY A. PLITT, JR, District Admmisfiative Judge,
Harford County, District 9, District Couit of Maryland,
since 1995 (Associate Judge, 1993—) Assistant attoincy
general, 1971 91 (principal counsel, 1980 91) Member,
Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board, 1976 91,
Maryland Pohce Training Commission, 1980 91, Maryland
Correctional Training Commission, 1980 91 County At
torney, Harford County, 1991 93 Born in Baltimore,
Maryland, February 9, 1943 Mt St Joseph High School,
University of Maryland, University of Baltimore, J D 1967
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968 Member, American Mary-