66 / State Senate Maryland Manual 1996-1997
DONALD F. MUNSON, Republican, District 2, Washington County. Member, House of
Delegates, 1975-90; Economic Matters Committee (unemployment insurance subcomm.);
Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Vice-Chair, Western Maryland Delegation, 1987-90.
Member, Senate since 1991; Budget and Taxation Committee, 1992— (public safety, trans-
portation, economic development & natural resources subcomm.; pensions subcomm.); Joint
Committee on Federal Relations, 1991—; Spending Affordability Committee, 1995—; Joint
Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 1995—; Special
Joint Task Force on Transportation, 1995—. Born in Hagerstown, Maryland, December 21,
1937; early years in Hagerstown & Williamsport. Washington Co. public schools; Capitol Page
School (page, U.S. House of Representatives under Rep. DeWitt S. Hyde, 1953-55); The Johns
Hopkins Univ., B.S., 1968. Served in U.S. Army Reserves. Governor's Commission on Landlord-
Tenant Affairs; Tri-County Council for Western Maryland; Citizens Advisory Board, Western
Maryland Center, 1978-90; Liability Insurance Task Force, 1985; Maryland Advisory Commis-
sion on Manufacturing Competitiveness, 1995—. Delegate, Republican Party National Conven-
tion, 1976, 1988, 1992. Washington Co. Republican Club; Washington Co. Historical Society;
Washington Co. Assoc. for Retarded Citizens; Antietam Exchange Club; North American Rod
& Gun Club; Alsatia Club. Married; one child. District office: 28 W. Church St., Hagerstown
21740-4808; tel. (301) 791-4511. Annapolis office: 405 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-
1991; tel. (410) 841-3609.
JOHN A. PICA, JR., Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City. Member of House of Dele-
gates, 1979-82. Member of Senate since 1983. Deputy Majority Leader. Senate Chair, Joint
Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1995— (member, 1985-
86). Member, Finance Committee, 1995— (health subcommittee); Executive Nominations
Committee, 1995—; Legislative Policy Committee, 1995—; Special Joint Committee on
Pensions, 1995—; Property-Tax Payment Task Force, 1995—. Member, Judicial Proceedings
Committee, 1983-94; Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 1985-86; Special Joint Com-
mittee on Ports, 1985-86; Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1991-93; Rules
Committee, 1991; Special Joint Committee on Economic Development Strategy; Workers'
Compensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee, 1995. Chair, Joint Committee
on Reapportionment and Redistricting, 1991-92. Chair, Baltimore City Senate Delegation.
Mount St. Joseph High School; Villanova University, B.A. (dean's list; varsity lacrosse); The Johns
Hopkins University; Loyola College, M.B.A.; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1975.
Attorney. Member, Maryland State Bar Association. Member, Community Services Advisory
Commission, 1987—; Maryland 1992 Commission, 1989-92; Governor's Commission on Balti-
more City Automobile-Insurance Rate Reduction, 1995—. Chosen Outstanding Young Men of
America, by National Jaycees, 1981. Two daughters. Annapolis office: 402-A James Senate Office
Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3145.
PAUL G. PINSKY, Democrat, District 22, Prince George's County. Member of House
of Delegates, 1987-94; Environmental Matters Committee, 1987-94. Member of Senate
since 1994. Member, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, 1994— (health
subcommittee); Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 1995—; Special Joint Committee
on Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program, 1995—. Born in Camden, New Jersey, March
5, 1950. Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, N.J; George Washington University, B.A.
(public affairs), 1972, M.A. (education), 1978. Educator, Prince George's County Public
Schools, 20 years. President, Prince George's County Educators' Association, 1983-87, repre-
senting over 6,000 professional school employees. Member, State Council on Cancer Control,
1995—. Executive Board, Maryland Citizens Action Coalition. Member, National Educa-
tion Association; Maryland State Teachers Association. Legislative Award, Chesapeake Bay
Foundation, 1994. Betty Tyler Award, Planned Parenthood, 1992. Outstanding Contribu-
tion to Youth award. Prince George's County Council of PTAs, on behalf of Prince George's
County Educators' Association. Outstanding Contribution to the Community award, Na-
tional Conference of Christians and Jews, Prince George's County Chapter. Married; two
daughters. Annapolis office: 303 James Senate Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-
3155, (410) 841-3155.
JEAN W. ROESSER, Republican, District 15, Montgomery County. House of Delegates,
1987-94; Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994; Special House Committee
on Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1987-90;
Environmental Matters Committee, 1991-93. Member, Senate since 1995; Finance Commit-
tee, 1995— (welfare reform subcomm.); Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and
Financing, 1995—; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 1995—; Joint Committee on State
Economic Development Initiatives, 1995—. Women Legislators of Maryland. Born in Wash-
ington, DC, May 8,1930. Trinity College, B.A., 1951; Catholic University of America, graduate
study (economics). Former newspaper reporter. Suburban Record, Montgomery County. Member,
Governor's Energy Task force, 1991—; Commission to Save the Lighthouses, 1992-94. Alternate
Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 1992. Past vice-president, Maryland Federa-
tion of Republican Women. Past president, Montgomery County Federation of Republican
Women; past president, Potomac Women's Republican Club. Member, Potomac Appalachian
Trail Club. Founding member, Montgomery County Arts Council. Member, area citizens asso-
ciations, Chambers of Commerce. Former Congressional liaison assistant, U.S. Information
Agency. Married; three children. District office: 10830 Fox Hunt Lane, Potomac 20854-1553;
tel. (301) 299-9046. Annapolis office: 308 James Senate Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. (301)
858-3169, (410) 841-3169.