L Isom, Raymond E Keeney, Sr , Charles E
Lamb, Joseph J Lavorgna, Robert A Manzi, Esq ,
Daniel H Melvm, Richard J Morgan, John
Thomas Parran, Jr , Joseph S Perne, Jr , Matthew
C Perry, Ph D , Leonard Rice, James R Schmitt,
William H Scott, Robert F Stahl, Jr , Dorothy
Troutman, John R Undeland, Rev Jonathan L
Weaver, George B Wilmot
Citizens appointed by Secretary of Transportation
Mary Ann Boyer, David W Cooksey, Steven R.
Cover, Michele Gomez, Reginald W Griffith, Jon
R Grimm, Frank A Jaklitsch, Kevin O Kelly,
Steven T Magoon, Thomas L Osborne, Fern V
Piret, William Schultz, Renee Siegal, Carolyn V
State Senators appointed by Secretary of
Transportation Leo E Green, Gloria G Lawlah,
Thomas M Middleton
House of Delegates members appointed by Secretary
of Transportation Virginia P Clagett, Thomas E
Hutchms, Obie Patterson, Joan B Pitkin, James E
Proctor, Jr , John F Wood, Jr
State officials appointed by Secretary of
Transportation James T Brady, Secretary of
Business and Economic Development, Jane T
Nishida, Secretary of the Environment, John R
Griffin, Secretary of Natural Resources, Ronald M
Kreitner, Director of Planning
Local officials appointed by Secretary of
Transportation John G Gary, County Executive,
Anne Arundel County, John J Klocko III, member,
Anne Arundel County Council, Murray D Levy,
President, Board of County Commissioners, Charles
County, Marvm C Kisamore, member, Board of
County Commissioners, Charles County, William
Eckman, Mayor, La Plata, Wayne K Curry, County
Executive, Pnnce George's County, M H (Jim)
Estepp, member. County Council, Pnnce George's
County, Audrey E Scott, member. County Council,
Prince George's County, Lawrence Warman,
Commissioner, Upper Marlboro
Kathleen A Coakley, Chair
John R Undeland, Vice-Chair
Kevin O Kelly, Chair
Matthew C Perry, V»ce-Chair
Joseph J Lavorgna, Chair
Lee R Epstem, Vice-Chair
James D Collett, Jr , Chair
Tate Armstrong, Vice-Chair
Heidi Van Luven, Project Manager
c/ o State Highway Administration
Dept of Transportation
707 North Calvert St, 3rd floor (410) 545 8533
Baltimore, MD 21202 1 800 548 5026
The Task Force studied transit needs for U S Route 301
south of Bowie, from U S Route 50 south to the
Potomac River The Task Force will conclude its work in
July 1996 and submit recommendations to the Gover
nor and Secretary ofTransportauon m August 1996
Dana P Knight, Chatr
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Richard
P Cheney, Kenneth W DeFontes, Jr , Bruce M
Dodgson, R Wayne Keeler, Ronald M Kreitner,
Robert E Latham, Lanny K Lewin, Leslie Marks,
Wayne A Mills, Nanda K Sen, William J Sim,
Nancy L Slepicka, Joseph H Walter
Appointed by Senate President Donald F Munson
Appointed by House Speaker Brian K McHale
Staff Andrea Leahy Fucheck, Esq
c/ o Office of Legal Counsel & Regulatory Affairs
Office of the Governor
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 3005
In September 1995, the Governor created the Gov
ernor's Utility Relocation Task Force The Task
Force determined ways to improve coordination
among utility companies and State and local gov
ernment It also studied how utility relocation can
help and enhance community re-utahzation A final
report was submitted to the Governor on Novem
ber21, 1995
The Commission submitted a progress report on
May 1,1993, and a second, final, report in Decem
ber 1993 The Vehicle Theft Prevention Council,
recommended by the Commission, was authorized
by Chapter 459, Acts of 1994 The C ommission
disbanded in January 1995
Benjamin R Civiletti, Esq , Chair
Rosetta M Stith, Ph D , Vice-Chair
Contact Richard E Larson, Director, Office of
Program Innovations
c/ o Family Investment Administration
Dept of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767 7150
In October 1993, the Commission issued an initial
report, entitled A family Investment System Mak
inff 'Welfare Work The Commission submitted its
final report. For the Good of the Whole Making
Welfare Work, on June 30, 1994