J P Blase Cooke, Chair
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Frank
Campitelli, N Frederick Churchman, J Roland
Dashiell, Ralph C Dettor, Jr , John Dnggs,
Clarence Gross, Roy Kirhy, Jr , J,eonard A Kraus,
Sr , Kenneth Lundeen, John M McMahon, Cap
Mona, Manlyn B Ramey, Wayne T Ruth, Renato
b Ventura, Perrv Winchester
Ex officti) Frederick W Puddester, Secretary of
Budget & Management, James T Brady, Secretary of
Business & Economic Development, Eugene R.
Lynch, Secretary of General Services, Patricia J Payne,
Secretary of Housing & Community Development,
Eugene A Conn, Jr, Ph D , Secretary of Labor,
Licensing, & Regulation, John R. Gnffin, Secretary
of Natural Resources, Sheila M Tolliver, Assistant
Secretary for Employment & Training, Department
of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation, John P
O'Connor, Commissioner of Labor & Industry,
Department of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation,
Ronald M Kreitner, Director of Planning
c/ o Harkms Builders, Inc
12301 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904 (301) 680-4205
Annual Report to Governor due in Dec
The Governor's Construction Industry Em
ployers' Advisory Council was established in Feb-
ruary 1988 by the Governor (Executive Order
01 01 1988 04) The Council assists the Governor
in fostering a healthy and expanding construction
industry in Maryland The Council also reviews
State and local problems affecting the industry and
recommends solutions to the Governor
Chair Alexius O Bishop, Dept of Budget
& Management
Appointed by Governor Thomas J Chenoweth,
Joseph Distinti, Alphonse J Glunta, Christian R
Granger, David D Harnngton, John J Seldgeski,
Peggy V Short, John J Tamer
c/ o Office of Budget
Dept of Budget & Management
45 Calvert St
Annapolis, MD 21401—1985 (410) 974 2307
Semi-annual Reports to Governor & chairs of
appropriate legislative committees
The Governor created the State Data Security
Committee in 1983 (Executive Order
01 01 1983 18) The Committee establishes corn
puter security policies and standards for State gov-
ernment agencies in the Executive Branch
Regularly, the Committee evaluates and tests the
security of computerized records systems of State
agencies For agency data security officers and in
formation technology administrators, the Commit-
tee hosts an annual data security conference
The Committee consists of rune data professionals
within State service The representative of the Depart-
ment of Budget and Management serves as chair Any
agency security officer assigned to the Committee may
not participate m any computer system security analy
sis of that officer's own agency by the Committee
Joanna L Pierson, Ph D , Chair, 1999
Appointed by Governor Santo A Grande, Alan C
Lovell, Mary Jo McGovern, Marcelle L Meisel, M
Sherni Moon, Ed D , Bernita M Sims Tucker,
PhD Terms expire 1996
M Doreen Croser, Sarah E Glenner, Carole A
Glowacki, Elizabeth L Jones, Diane S Pawlowicz,
Beatrice M Rodgers, Richard S Rowland Terms
expire 1997
Michael M Brill, Ruth B Coates. P Sue Kullen,
Allen Schepps, Jacquehne C Shields, Susan J
Vaeth Terms expire 1998
William R. Fields, Cnstine Boswell Marchand, Leslie
Seid Margolis, Esq , Joseph M Millstone, James F
Rosner, Esq , Richard J Steinke Terms expire 1999
Naznm R Adams, Michael S Chapman, Ed D ,
Laurence J Eisenstem, Esq , Mary E Murphy,
Constance S Remwald, Timothy R Wiens Terms
expire 2000
Mindy A Morrell, Executive Director
300 West Lexmgton St, Box 10 (410) 333-3688
Baltimore, MD 21201 fax (410) 333 3686
By Executive Order, the Governor created the
Maryland State Planning Council on Developmen-
tal Disabilities in 1971 to carry out provisions of
the federal Developmental Disabilities Services and
Facilities Construction Act (PL 91 517), now the
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of
Rights Act (PL 98 537, PL 103 230) To protect
State eligibility for certain federal grants, a new
council was appointed in 1973 to meet revised
criteria of the U S Department of Health, Educa-
tion, and Welfare for consumer members Formerly
housed in the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, the Council moved for administrative
purposes to the Office for Individuals with Disabili
ties (formerly Office for Handicapped Individuals)