Appointed by Prince George's County Board of
Education (which named chair) Thomas R
Hendershot, Frederick C Hutchinson
Appointed by Chair, Prince George's County Senate
Delegation Ulvsses Curne
Appointed by Chair, Prince George's County House
Delegation Barbara Frush
Appointed by Chair, Prince George's County Senate
Delegation & Chair, Prince George's County House
Delegation Steven Dobrosielski, Walter Lewis,
Evelyn McC all
Appointed by Prince George's County Educators
Association JeffElkner
Appointed by Association of School-Based
Administrative & Supervisory Personnel Dons A
Appointed hy American Federation of State, County
& Municipal Employees W Howard Marshall
Appointed by Prince George's Chamber of Commerce
Betty Buck, David Murray
Staff James Beall (301) 952-6099
Mark Woodard (301) 952 6775
c/o Board of fcducation
14201 School Lane
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 (301) 952 6117
The Task Force on Education Funding in Prince
George's Count} was created in 1995 (Chapter
612, Acts of 1995) The Task Force charge was to
exploic all options to increase public school fund
ing in Prince George's County This was to include,
but not be limited to, authorizing the Prince
George's C ounty Board of Education to levy taxes
The Task Force issued its report in March 1996
George Beall, Esq , Chair
Appointed hv Governor (who named chair)
Catherine Ashley-Cotleur, Carville B Collins, Esq ,
Mane M Garber, Nathanael Pollard, Jr , Ph D ,
George L Russell, Jr , Esq , Lloyd L Simpkins
Appointed by Senate President Michael J Collms,
Brian E Frosh
Appointed by Senate Minority Leader David R. Craig
Appointed by House Speaker John S Armck, John
F Wood.Jr
Appointed by House Minority Leader Joseph M Getty
Staff F Carvel Payne
c/o Dept of Legislative Reference
90 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410)8413865
The Task Force to Review the State's Election Law
was formed in 1995 (Chapter 514, Acts of 1995)
Created to investigate the rules, regulations, and
procedures of the State Administrative Board ofElec
Don Laws as well as local boards ofelecoon supervi
sors, the Task Force focused on the conduct of the
1994 general election In addition, the Task Force
reviewed State law relating to the conduct of elections,
including absentee ballot procedures, and the need
for uniform statewide voting procedures
The Task Force had thirteen members Seven were
appointed by the Governor, two each by the Senate
President and the House Speaker, and one each by
the Senate and House Minority Leaders (Code
1957, Art 41, sec 18 307)
On December 31, 1995, the Task Force reported
to the Governor and General Assembly
The Subcabinet has been inactive since the fall of
1994 Interagency pohcy coordination and research,
however, continues
Joseph D Tydmgs, Esq , Chair
Appointed by Governor (who named chair)
Benjamin L Brown, Esq , Robert C Embry, Jr ,
Edward T Lewis, Ph D , William J Reuter
Appointed by Senate President Walter M Baker,
Thomas L Bromwell
Appointed by House Speaker Sheila E Hixson,
Joseph F Vallano, Jr
Peter Reuter, Ph D , Executive Director
301 West Preston St, Suite 1400
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-1279
The Joint Executive Legislative Task Force to
Study Commercial Gaming Activities in Maryland
was created in 1995 (Chapter 579, Acts of 1995)
The Task Force charge was to evaluate commercial
gaming or gambling in terms of its impact on law
enforcement, crime, nonprofit gaming, charitable
institutions, and various economic concerns, such
as horse racing, hotels, restaurants, agriculture, and
tourism The Task Force studied the public percep-
tion of commercial gaming and the effect of com-
mercial gaming on ethical matters The effects of
commercial gaming on compulsive gambling also
were addressed In addition, the Task Force gauged
the fiscal impact of commercial gaming on State and
local government rev enues and expenditures, par
ticularly with regard to the State Lottery The
extent of potential economic de\elopment from
commercial gaming, and the legal status of com-
mercial gaming in other states were considered as
well as the feasibility of State regulation of all