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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 565   View pdf image (33K)
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mng In 1980 and 1981, the Agency produced
radiological emergency plans to cope with accidents
at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in Maryland,
and Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station near
Maryland's northern border in Delta, Pennsylva
nia These plans were tested in 1981 and 1982
Annually, the State Radiological Plan is tested with
a full scale operational exercise
Since 1981, the Governor has been responsible
for emergency management in Maryland The Gov
ernor has emergency powers to suspend State stat
utes temporarily, direct evacuations, control access,
clear debris, and use private property if necessary
When the Governor declares a state of emergency,
the Agency Director coordinates the emergency
acts of State government and those local govern
ments included in the declaration The Agency
plans and executes the disaster and emergency pre-
paredness response between State and local agen
cies It coordinates emergency services with the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
other state emergency management agencies, and
public utility and other private agencies
The Agency administers the State's participation
in the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Planning Pro-
Through the Federal Emergency Manage
ment Agency, the U S Army funds the planning
and response to actual or potential emergencies that
could develop in the disposal of the deadly chemical
weapons stored at Aberdeen
The Agency is responsible for the Integrated
Emergency Management System (IEMS) At all levels
of government statewide, the System applies emer
gency preparedness and response resources to all
hazards It also uses similarities that exist in planning
and response functions for all hazards The System
consists of three components Hazard Analysis, Capa-
bility Assessment, and Multi Year Development Plan
mng (Code 1957, Art 16A, sees 1 12)
To help local governments respond to an emer-
gency, the Agency Director may form a Rapid
Response Team (Executive Order 01 01 1991 02)
The Team evaluates emergencies on site and pro-
vides State resources to assist local jurisdictions To
local emergency management agencies, the Agency
distributes federal emergency management grants
The Agency also distributes federal emergency dis-
aster assistance to State and local agencies for dis
aster relief and recovery services
To aid another state in time of emergency, the
Governor may authorize the use of State and local
resources (Chapter 19 3, Acts of 199 3) In the event
of an emergency in Maryland, the Governor also
may accept aid from another state
At Middle River adjacent to Martin State Air
port, the Agency operates a federally funded labo
ratory for instrument calibration The laboratory
calibrates and repairs all radiological instruments

used by government agencies in the State and
Mid Atlantic region


Chair David McMillion, Director, Maryland
Emergency Management Agcnc\

State Emergency Operations Center
2 Sudbrook Lane, East
Pikesville, MD 21208 (410) 486 4422

Formed in 1981, the Emergency Management
Advisory Council advises the Governor on matters
of State emergency management and crul defense
(Chapter 505, Acts of 1981) The Council is ap
pointed by the Governor and includes repre-
sentatives from State and local government, and
volunteer organizations, such as fircfighters and
rescue squads (Code 1957, Art 16A, sec 5)


State Emergency Operations Center
2 Sudbrook Lane, East
Pikesville, MD 21208 (410) 486 4422

In 1987, the Governor designated the Emer
gency Management Advisory Council to serve as
the Maryland Emergency Response Commission
(Executive Order 01 01 1987 11) The designa
tion was made in accordance with Tide III of the
Federal Superfiind Amendments and Reauthonza
tion Act of 1986 (PL 99 499)
To protect people and the environment from
hazardous chemical material, the Maryland Emer-
gency Response Commission established Emer-
gency Response Planning Districts and local
Emergency Planning Committees The Commis
sion also receives and distributes certain material
safety data sheets, hazardous chemical inventories,
and toxic chemical release forms

The Maryland Defense Force received its name
in 1990 (Chapter 239, Acts of 1990) Formerly it
had been known as the Maryland State Guard
As commander-in chief of the militia, the Gov
ernor has the power to organize and maintain
additional military forces, known as the Maryland
Defense Force The Force is separate and distinct
from the Maryland National Guard The 1-orce is
composed of officers, commissioned or assigned,
and all able bodied citizens of the State w ho \ olun
teer and are accepted tor service They may be
ordered to active duty in the State by the Ga\ ernor
whenever the National Guard has been called into
the military service of the United States Members
of the Force are uniformed as prescribed by the
Governor, who also may reduce or disband such
forces (Code 1957, Art 65 sees 62 77)



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 565   View pdf image (33K)
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