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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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The Maryland Charter of 1632 empowered
Lord Baltimore to raise troops to put down insur-
rection or rebellion and subdue enemies of the
province Maryland militia units fought during the
French and Indian War and distinguished them-
selves in the American Revolution
Under State government, the office of Adjutant
General was authorized first in 1793 and made a
Constitutional office in 1951 (Chapter 53, Acts of
1793, Const 1851, Art IX, sec 2) The Adjutant
General heads the Military Department and exercises
powers and duties under the Militia Law of Maryland
(Code 1957, Art 65) The organization of the Mili-
tary Department also conforms to Title 32 of the U S
Code and regulations issued pursuant thereto
The Adjutant General is responsible for the
budget of the Military Department and is the cus
todian of all State and federal property used by the
organized militia The Adjutant General maintains
all State owned armories located in Maryland and
all other properties that may be occupied, pur
chased, or leased by the Military Department The
Adjutant General regulates the use of such facilities,
applications tor their use should be made to the
Adjutant General In addition, the Adjutant Gen
eral is responsible for the administration, training,
and supply of approximately 9,460 National Guard
troops, including 1,487 full time employees (310
State paid, 1,177 federally paid)
The Military Department is responsible for the
Maryland Defense Force, the Maryland Army Na-
tional Guard, the Maryland Air National Guard, and
the Maryland Emergency Management Agency
The Military Department builds and maintains
the armories and other facilities used by the Mary
land Army National Guard and Air National Guard
Units of the Guard have their own command struc-
ture Operating expenses and equipment of the
Maryland Army National Guard and Maryland Air
National Guard are a federal responsibility provided
for under the U S Department of Defense Active
members of the Guard units receive pay and allow-
ances when they are in a drill status or are ordered
to active duty for training These expenses are the
responsibility of the U S Department of Defense
The Governor may call up the Maryland Na-
tional Guard for state service m emergencies Dur
ing a call up, salaries and expenses of these units are
the responsibility of the State When members of
the organized military (National Guard) are or
dered by the Governor to active duty for training
or emergencies, they recen e pay and allowances as
prescribed (Code 1957, Art 65, sec 32) No spe
cific provision is provided in the State budget for
these expenses For State call ups, the Board of
Public Works makes mission specific emergency al-
location of funds
The Military Department prepares all State
forms and records required for militia use and the

reports and returns required by the federal govern
ment Service records of all officers and enlisted
persons who have served or are serving in the
Maryland National Guard are maintained by the
Department as well
The Military Department also operates pro
grams for youth The My Life, My Choice Program
is an early intervention program tor at nsk youth
between the ages of 12 and 16 The Military Youth
Corps Challenge Program
addresses the needs of
at risk youth between the ages of 16 and 18
The Adjutant General is appointed by the Gov-
ernor with Senate advice and consent The Assistant
Adjutant General for Army and the Assistant Ad)u
tant General for Air are both appointed by the
Governor (Const, Art IX, sec 2) The Adjutant
General and two Assistant Adjutants General are
selected by the Governor from among the commis
sioned officers of the National Guard Salaries of
these personnel are a State reponsibihty and in
eluded m the Military Department administrative
budget They are essentially on the Governor's
staff, not on active duty in the usual military sense

David McMillion, Director

State Emergency Operations Center
2 Sudbrook Lane, East
PikesviUc, MD 21208 (410) 486-4422

The Maryland Emergency Management Agency
was formed as part of the Military Department in
1989 (Chapter 674, Acts of 1989) Formerly, the
Agency had been the State Emergency Manage
ment and Civil Defense Agency under the Depart
ment of Public Safety and Correctional Services
The Agency provides for a civil defense system to
protect life and property from attack and offer relief
and assistance to people struck by natural disasters
The Agency began in 1950 as the Maryland
Civil Defense Agency (Federal Civil Defense Act of
1950, PL 920) From 1950 to 1970, it was con
cerned primarily with statewide nuclear attack pre
paredness (Chapter 563, Acts of 1949) Later, it
became responsible for disaster relief and emer
gency resources management Duties covered
floodplam management, flood insurance initiatives,
community preparedness for weather emergencies,
earthquake hazard reduction, dam safety, emer
gency broadcast system, emergency warning, and
terrorist incidents
When the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency
was established in the U S Department of Defense
in 1972, the Population Protection Program (PPP)
also was developed The Program is adaptable to
natural disasters, peacetime emergencies, and nu
clear attack
In 1979, the Three Mile Island Incident turned
federal attention to radiological emergency plan-



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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